
sounds like you are describing Libertarianism, though even that is a pretty rigid term that Im sure doesn't define you.

anyone remember where CAP placed in the ranking?

@DavetheDouchebag:disqus exactly. I mean, Obama's policies are pretty centrist despite the Right's demonzation of him as a Socialist (when they're not accusing him of being a fascist, I mean they need to make up their minds already). Even their hero Reagan would be shunned from the modern Republican Party as not being

@avclub-09a0aabb73e345f3b2ad865bc4fc1b28:disqus I agree - I mean there isn't really anything wrong with Casino except that it came after Goodfellas and will always be compared to it. I can watch both Goodfellas or Casino an infinite amount of times. Those are some great movies.
And yeah Casino is very violent (vice

can you watch Community in the Moon Colonies?

I really like Yvette as an actress as well, she is a really good actress and has pretty good comedic timing as well.

ha looks like YNB gets to finally do something about her huge crush on Malcom Jamal Warner

I don't know if it is the study group catering an event one (wasn't that the Ocean's 11 one??)

its entitled 'Urban Matrimony and the Sandwich Arts'

i wouldn't say my politics are radical either. I'm a center-left moderate. They may appear radical to the average GOP voter these days though (I believe in climate change, I don't think we need to repeal the Affordable Care Act, I think taxes for the rich should be raised back to the Clinton era rates etc).

A poster in the Paleyfest News Thread said they were at the event and I asked them how the episode was. Here's what he/she said:

its weird, every lactose intolerant person I know eats ice cream with no problem but then only drink lactose free milk.

Alison Brie for Secretary of the Interior

CAP definitely is the best character episode of season 1 in my opinion.

I really didn't know it existed anymore. I haven't seen any since the mid 90s

yeah, I can only remember one scene from the ep that was directly from Casino - it was the scene in the kitchen showing the role they each played in the chicken finger scheme, which was a direct take from the Casino scene where they are counting cash and skimming off the top in the casinos.

that's awesome! did you enjoy the episode you got to see?

great review! I would add that people should watch Casino too as a lot of the references were out of that movie as well.

'I Do Not Endorse This'

The seedings seem pretty subjective and there's not really a 'correct' way to seed them anyways