
this list just reminds me how many great characters there are in The Wire. I love Wee-Bay. My favorite underling will always be Snoop though.

yeah I mean that's an easy win for Bubbles. I think they set the seeds up so there would be some 'upsets'

Grantland.com's Tournament of 32 to determine the best character in The Wire (endorsed by President Obama):

you had me at honey bunches of oats

haha this is a great one. Perfect.

Game of Thrones fans  -

I think network TV as a whole is down right now. but NBC in particular.

I want him to get traded, and have wanted it for the past few seasons. He is fiercely loyal and has yet to demand a trade. I really hope he does though, even though I was never a huge Nash fan, I would like to see him get a chance at a ring.

the video game episode he mentioned is interesting too. he said they were going to play a video game, anyone think there could possibly be some video-game style animation involved?

he is so far!

yeah, now that i have realized this is the Annie-Abed episode (I missed it at first, i thought the Dreamatorium would be Troy and Abed) - then this has tons of potential and I can't wait.

that episode could have been SO Much better. if they wanted to do a noir story though, they should have focused on it, and if they wanted to do a study group story and talk about the role and place they all have in the group - then they should have focused on that.

@NewlyRegisteredRandom:disqus I see what you mean. When I put myself back to how I was thinking after that episode aired - it seemed better that night than I think of it now, mostly because I was relieved it was better than 302.  If I remember correctly, most of the AVCLub comments that night on that episode were in

it's a lot more normal than some of the high concept episodes that we have seen later. My whole point is that I don't see 'normal' as necessarily bad. Maybe he counts that sort of episode as super-ambitious like he is talking about, then in that case, I'm wrong.

one thing we can be sure of is that the Law and Order episode will be great - Harmon said 'the final cut is great' with no sort of self-deprecation that he usually gives. can't wait.

no you're right - it seems NOW that the show deviates between great concept episodes and then poorly executed ones, but I would say the majority of season 1 episodes were middle of the road - just great stories with great execution. Even Physical Education is what I consider MOR - just because something has references

well definitely something is shaping up with Todd, but with IS, it was a reference/bit in the first episode that caught on big with the fandom, and I read an interview (or maybe it was twitter) early on in the season where Harmon said they were going to have more references to hiim later on in the season since people

yeah, I must be the only person in the world that didn't care the group was 'mean'. It didn't even really strike me as 'mean' until the entire Internet had decided it was.

@avclub-fcef722c15ec0cd77565749edf6d1240:disqus yeah, it really could go any way. If its like you say - like CFS - then that's amazing. But then again Harmon said 'what's makes it worse are that people are bringing up CFS' implying that it can't be as good as that. I don't know, we shouldn't read too much into what he