
it kind of bothered me that Harmon said 'when we go middle of the road we suck, so that's why we are trying to be as balls to the wall and ambitious as we can'

yeah that's pretty ridic. I didn't have a problem with it getting an A last week (even if I thought it would get closer to an A - or a B+) because for this season of SNL last week was pretty good. (there were a few rewatchable skits last week)

I don't want to really know any more about the 3/15 episode than I already do, so I didn't read it - but here is some info posted on Reddit about it from someone who saw it live at the Paleyfest last night


against all of TV probably a B+.

i usually don't listen to commentaries either but the Community ones are amazing and an extension of the show. especially season 1.

probably not. but do you like listening to the DVD commentaries?

true. but they all mostly are fighting for an SNL spot and those are the sources for the SNL cast. see what you mean though.

ha yeah that was great. 'when it turned out that eight WASNT enough…"

I agree with YNB that she needs to work with Donald. funny how Dan just kept looking down even with yvette tapping him a  few times about it.

wow thanks. GREAT trailer. the contemporary music is odd but it works!

here it all is on YT btw:

im rewatching the introductions - man the entrances were all so funny! I have to say my favorite was Joel's, so funny.

agreed. I hate to compare them but Gillian Jacobs shines in cast interviews and things like this.

ha, found this clip of the cast humming Daybreak, if anyone wants to watch it again. loved that.


there was a time and place for subtlety and that was BEFORE this episode of SNL

ok, so I missed the monologue and the first few sketches, and no one was rooting for Lohan harder than me. I used to think she was a real talent at one point, and I like rooting for comebacks. but she SUCKS.

that reminds me, with mad Men starting soon we're probably due for the annual Hamm hosting appearance soon