
HAMM-er time

aww, i like seth myers. I think he needs a partner, as we mentioned here earlier today.

hader as carville is killing it

this is definitely the WORST iteration of this sketch ever

lohan is not selling this at all


that was awesome, even better than I thought it would be

good job tossing, keeping the post count going

ha yeah but its a good format actually

everyone come to the chat

i love ken jeong

anyone see a count of how many people are all watching? I'm curious

ooooh colonial burn!

I'm really looking forward to this Paley Center thing, I hope you guys can all watch it! I've been working all day and will probably be working late into the night and am so looking fwd to taking a break to watch it.

yeah I like Seth too, just think he needs a partner. but Pedrad/Mulaney would be great also,  I like your idea @avclub-4acd793a645f227d84ddb7c4c3f16603:disqus

he's a wizard

I agree with this post!

ok NOW they've gone too far - it's not letting me like comments.

it seems to be working fine now, Ive been refreshing.