
I went to another site that uses Disqus to check and they were having problems too.

Im going to say a prayer in order to bring Disqus back to life - somebody drop a beat.

@avclub-f0063baac3d62f59a0f27e4e9a29471a:disqus haha seffina - well I am IN houston, and if it is the program I am thinking of (usually thought of as the best in the country and one of the most competitive rad onc residency programs) then I am working right where your friend works for my research year! that's pretty

John Mulaney would be a great partner for Seth on Weekend Update - he's already one of the main writers. I think Seth really needs someone with him.

finally was able to log in. major disqus problems

the system is fighting back.

Gillian Jacobs in high School:

I can't wait to find out why the Dean is at Abed's apartment in pajamas

yeah Aziz and Mulaney are awesome.

he's very underrated

just watched it. great episode, really enjoyed Feingold's discussion about campaign finance and corporatist Dems.

has Gillian ever been on a late night show? There's a clip on YouTube of Alison on Craig Ferguson

so I liked all of my rotations except for OB-Gyn and had a lot of trouble choosing. I seriously considered Urology or Internal Medicine (to do a GI fellowship afterwards) but I ultimately decided on Radiation Oncology. I know, I'm all over the place. But I really like Oncology and think radiation is pretty cool. I

did you see the update to the article today? he's been getting death threats to his house because someone found out his phone number and the Breitbots have been attacking him relentlessly

btw my favorite comment on that video: 'I have the most festive boner right now'

are there community scenes that you didn't love at first but get funnier every time you see them? this is one for me:

awesome.  they should do promos with all of them, though the filming season is over so the cast is presumably all over the place now. I think Donald is touring right now.

btw I agree with whoever said that they thought the Parks episode last night seemed like it was from season 2 or 3. Perd Hapley is the best.

yeah true.

the sad thing is that they have so many people believing it. whenever I want to truly fear for the population I go and read the comments on any BigGovernment.com, BigJournalism.com, or BigHollywood.com article. it is utterly shocking what these people believe.