
haha, i mean Im not going to lie, I find it very very funny, but I also don't like when liberals go too extreme.

exactly! Maddow and Matthews stand out for seeming like really decent people (the latter of which really surprised me because I always thought Matthews would be an angry yeller with a show named Hardball).

maybe it's my center-left political leaning bias showing, but I really don't agree when people try to equate MSNBC with Fox. I would have said the same thing before a few months ago when I started paying more attention.

I don't like Gervais much either.

yeah I think he goes way too far on religion, I haven't seen his movie. I never watched Politically Incorrect either.

I always thought I would hate Bill Maher but I started watching Real Time and I really like the guests he has on and the good panel discussions they have. Also Maher is a stand-up comedian. nothing more, nothing less. its important to remember that.

well Ive really only been watching MSNBC for the past few months and they haven't seemed prickish to me - but I know people say that. I was surprised how good a lot of their shows at night were despite me thinking I hated cable news for so many years. there really isn't any yelling or arguing at all (which I hate).

they are definitely partisan and don't really hide that. their slogan is 'Lean Forward'. However, they take pride in reporting honestly and with the facts. Maddow in particular is obsessed with charts and they have guys like Ezra Klein on all the time who provide really good fact-based analysis. The only hosts that

Breitbart's editors of his 'Big' sites have promised a huge reveal on monday. supposedly videos that will discredit Obama. they also plan on releasing a new 'Big' site.

Parks and rec last night:

i do! i was just thinking to myself - man I wonder if any of the AVClub crowd watches Real Time….

MSNBC had some great coverage of the Rush stuff tonight.

in other news - Obama's daughter is a Parks and Rec fan! I wish he would give Community a shout out!

of course it won't pass - but the GOP in a measure of solidarity all support it. you're right that one element of the GOP is dragging the other down. and then you have guys like Norquist that don't care one bit about social issues but do care about bringing back the fed government to the level it was in 1900. (so

yeah, that's mostly true, and I agree that they SHOULD want to keep the talk off of stuff like this, but their actions scream otherwise. The Congressional GOP is pushing the Blunt Amendment which goes farther than just the BC issue. Under this plan, any employer could refuse to provide coverage for any thing 'they

it was great! that's not the NBC I know…..

finally! missed it last night

@NewlyRegisteredRandom:disqus no problem - you're not alone in that misjudgment. the media often paints things in basic terms  - I bet half of the country thinks the issue is government paying for birth control. when it comes down to it the actual issue is so laughable it makes you wonder what the GOP's angle is here.

the issue has nothing at all to do with the government paying for birth control.

so, anyone going to be here to live blog this and then live blog SNL?