
haha wow he got over on you.

So what's up with Trobed taking Biology their freshman year and then taking it again this year? My explanation is that failing a class was on Abed's list of quintessential college experiences (Check-a-rooni!). Troy as usual just did whatever Abed did and failed also.

yeah me too. It was a very enjoyable show. I can't really figure out what it is about it that made it so watchable for me when I really can't stand any other procedural type shows. Maybe it was the hint of mystical element. Also Chandler of course.

absolutely. Kyle chandler is the man he OWNED that show and elevated it to a level past the simple procedural it was. I actually only got to see random episodes here and there when it was on, I never found out how it ended. Did he ever find out why he kept getting the paper?

haha, Early Edition is one of the few dramas I actually watched in the 90s. Loved that show as a kid.

what was the best drama of the 90's? I was thinking about how my catalogue of TV started in the 2000's except for a few comedies. Was it Buffy? X-Files? I haven't seen either.

and in response I say: 'You want to fuck me like Israel fucked my country!"

Dan Harmon ‏ @danharmon

I knew something magical had happened when Sasha Baron Cohen released Kim Jong Il's ashes on E! GOD Seacrest

I want to hear more stories of awkward Chevy Chase after the way they all talked about him in the interview. It seems like YNB has the same feeling about Chevy that Shirley does about Pierce

the thing is, whenever I hear him talk, he is definitely a fan of the show and pretty much seems like the nicest guy you can imagine. in his WTF interview he gushed over the show and how in awe of Dan Harmon he is.

Damn, Ganz gets it.

yeah I love Gillian. I think she is the biggest fan of them all and is closest to experiencing the show from the way a fan does. It really shows in her interviews and commentary tracks.

It is always very hard for me to start watching a new drama. Even when I know I'm going to love it like Breaking Bad or The Wire, but once I actually start I rush though it. Right now I have been 'about to start' Deadwood, Homeland, and Buffy for months

I'm with you. It's so ingrained in my head that there will be a season 4 that I haven't even thought of another possibility. God save us all if the show ends this May

@avclub-f0063baac3d62f59a0f27e4e9a29471a:disqus agreed! especially comedies for me.

YNB on Chevy: "Brown: Or maybe he was from a time when women weren’t empowered enough to speak up. I’m glad that we’re in a time now where if you are offended or upset by something someone says, you feel empowered to say, “That’s not right.” Maybe he comes from a generation where he could say things like that and no

'Brie: It’s just reanalyzing: wait, why are we friends? There’s a great Annie and Abed episode where it’s like, why are we friends?'

speaking of 90's sitcoms, does anyone else remember how huge of a deal it was when Seinfeld had its final episode? I remember it being on the cover of Newsweek and getting major media coverage. I was in 6th grade and we talked about it in English class the day after the finale. I remember being so disappointed with