
@avclub-09a0aabb73e345f3b2ad865bc4fc1b28:disqus ha you really are young. the appeal of Friends was definitely more universal than that of HIMYM.  HIMYM was basically created as the new Friends. Though I think HIMYM is better than Friends (especially the first few seasons of HIMYM).

I never liked Friends much when it was on despite everyone I was in school with from 4th grade-12th grade (when it ended) absolutely loving it, but now when I see reruns of the early seasons I find it pretty surprisingly watchable. Especially anything with Chandler. maybe its just comfortable, and the fact that I

yeah, I mean Leonard is the obvious choice, but most likely to die could also be twisted to mean Starburns or Annie's Boobs, who knows how literal he is being. But I was already considering the possibility that it could be Pierce and this sort of added to that.

so when I was reading Neil Goldman's (community writer) twitter feed the other day and saw that thing about paintball this season, someone else had asked him how they decided to kill someone and if it fit into their plan and Neil says something to the effect of 'we just killed off the person who was most likely to die"

I used to be way more of a movie person but over the last 5 or so years Ive realized that I get way more out of quality TV. the amount of movies I watch a year has gone way down and I usually catch up with the oscar noms/other acclaimed movies around this time every year. I really liked Drive a lot, and want to watch

yeah, that's why we kept thinking we had another episode more before RCT when the hiatus was announced, but I don't think it was ever correct to begin with, because all the NBC shows ended on December 8th

NBC.com is probably correct here. but who knows? NBC is the NBC of networks

its mostly that the Best Picture slate is very mediocre IMO. Looking back a the last decade of Best Picture noms I think it's one of the weaker years (the 2004 awards were another example)

@avclub-09a0aabb73e345f3b2ad865bc4fc1b28:disqus haha that 2002 WCF series is one of the greatest series ever. I was rooting hardcore for the Kings (mostly AGAINST the lakers) and it was heartbreaking for it to go down the way it did. the foul calls in Game 6 were indeed a travesty, but ultimately the Kings had a

yeah I usually watch it even though its not a real game because its fun to watch and its nice to see who gets along (who setup who for great dunks etc), but going against the Oscars probably prevented a lot of people from watching

by the way - City College remembers.

yeah I don't think anyone is a huge fan of Dany in ADWD. I just hope once we get the climax and confusion of the Eastern story (which SHOULD have been in the book, dammit) her character can be redeemed.

I'd be furious if either of them get killed off. I can't see them killing Trudy unless Brie and her agents asked to be written off the show to free her schedule for other projects.

yeah, Pudi is very very consistent as well. near perfection. like a robot. you're probably right about Gillian over-selling it sometimes.

oh yeah you're right. That's the episode GRRM wrote.

One of the reasons I rank Britta so highly is I don't think there has been even ONE line in recent memory where Gillian doesn't completely sell it. Maybe it's because Dan Harmon identifies most closely with Britta and Megan Ganz seems to really like writing her dialogue also, but she just gets the most to work with.

yeah that was my first thought. 'the North remembers' was a GREAT line in ADWD though. especially with what happened with the Manderlys and Freys in that book…….

'Also, this is a very simple explanation, but the joke writing hasn't been as consistently good for her as it is for pretty much all of the others that are not Chang. That's another reason she feels shrill. I think Season 3 has been better than the second half of Season 2, in this regard though (with the Halloween

For people like me who get excited about episode titles, there have been some ep titles released for Mad Men and Game of Thrones upcoming seasons:

I voted for Britta, but Abed and Britta are pretty much tied for me with Jeff a  very close third and Troy right behind them.