
Who won the pool? Do they get priority registration?


Chris rock should stay on stage and host

Wake me up when the DEAN shows up.

A Separation winning was the one pick in the pool I knew was a guarantee

This is not a good start

Ok - Drive, 50/50, and A Separation are my favorite movies from 2011 and none were nominated for Best Picture. Also no Best Actor nods for Gosling or JGL? I think this is an appropriate time for a SMH.

Around the diner scene after standard gets beat up and explains to The Driver about the mess he's in

Ok googled it and I'm definitely not alone in this. It's the distinctive piano music from Social Network and it's only during a five minute stretch of the film. What isn't clear is if this was only in the screeners sent out that have made their way to 'alternative' sources online or if this was also present in the

Ok I'm watching Drive right now (love it so far) and I swear I hear the score from Social Network bein sprinkled in. Is my brain wrinkling or am I right?

Aladdin with Chevy Chase playing the Genie, Troy playing Iago, and Abed playing Abu. Jeff's Aladdin, Shirley is the Sultan, Annie is Jasmine, and Britta is the wise cracking magic carpet

@stephen77 yeah I have to think Dan Harmon wouldn't do another all out paintball fight

This isn't directly related to your question but I would love to see a Lost style episode with flashbacks to their previous lives before Greendale. Would be awesome, but would probabl need a full hour episode.

Not Gould, I meant should.

Saw it last night - very engaging, engrossing movie. I'm still thinking about it. I think it Gould be a no brainer Cinemotography win. Also Chastain and Pitt deserve to win for supporting bits.


Is community good? Y/n

Reading all these season 1 comments and reviews certainly makes me hope that we could get some more of these great season 1-style hilarious episodes.

Yeah that was my thought as well, SBT. I look forward to seeing how Prof Kane plays a role in this war.

annual tournament and it plays into the plot of an episode somehow.