
To finish my original point, I'm glad there is no paintball finale (we already knew that), but I wonder what 'more paintball' means. I doubt there will be a full on paintball episode so maybe they reference the

Am I the only one who can't stop thinking about Leap Dave Williams?


So I was just reading through Neil Goldman's twitter feed and someone had asked him if there was going to be a paintball finale, and he said no, but there would be more paintball. Could mean anyth

haha, yeah, Ive seen it. funny stuff

WORD. I don't think I have ever had a crush on a TV character as strong as the one I had for Lindsay Weir the first time I saw the show 5 or 6 years ago. What a great female character. I would love to see her on Community guest spot.

i can't blame them, really. 30 Rock and The Office were the franchise flagships, they deserved to be during the 9 PM hour. Where they have failed is doing a better job of promoting Community and Parks. They never should have messed with that night so much, over the course of the last year there has been so much

yeah Sepinwall was very happy when it finally got that slot last season, but then it didn't do as well as was hoped or expected at keeping the numbers.

BBT has definitely gotten more popular. It's a similar thing that happened to HIMYM which barely got renewed in season 1. (going back to the 90's the same thing happened to Everybody Loves Raymond too. It was a minor cult hit on Friday nights for the first season or two and then slowly built an audience. CBS is good


i think its on Wiki

Im jealous that parks/rec is getting that spot for may sweeps.

every time I want to buy that box set of the Wire I end up not buying it because all of the reviews on Amazon talk about how poor the packaging is and how the DVD's all end up getting damaged because the DVDs don't stay put. Is the packaging that bad? I want to buy the series so bad, I may just end up doing it anyway.

Harmon said that there was a longer cut of this song that they had to edit down since 'it wasn't very funny' but I hope they include this on the DVD.  I found it hilarious and YNB has a great voice. Britta's reaction was amazing as well

agreed. Crisis Alert was not funny to me.

speaking of Rome and Sparacus, the best show in that sort of genre in my opinion is Game of Thrones, and HBO aired a new two minute trailer tonight:

just  noticed Donald Glover was trending on twitter and wondered why - apparently his special is airing on Comedy Central right now, for those who haven't seen it

ha, I wanted to make this joke too but wasn't sure quite how to construct it. well done. and I agree.

I liked the first two episodes but haven't seen any more yet

that scene was designed to show America and Jeff how hot she was, so I don't think you're alone in this. I remember watching that and friends noticing how hot she was. I had long known how hot Alison Brie was from Mad Men and her sexy santa youtube video