
anyone else have 9 in the top 10? (I think @avclub-eede55069a8d3430b54730901f49c230:disqus does, we had nearly the same top 10 I think). anyone have a perfect 10 for 10?

Critical is my highest remaining, haha.

well my top 10 is 90% in agreement with our aggregate top 10 (had IDF in place of Fistful, which I had at 12)

man - I love the Comparative Religion post-fight Study Room scenes in that video.

I had Redux at 21 so I definitely like it. Had IDF at 10. so I guess the overall ranking met me halfway. not bad I guess.

The dialogue in IDF is just amazing, great line after great line. Megan Ganz really outdid herself with that one.

@avclub-dc2ffd5c41e7c8f20f77648cbdd3f8de:disqus see I see Troy's reaction to Burton as only one of many great parts of that episode. I didn't even really like the Levar Burton stuff that much the first time I saw it. Overall this is an episode that gets better every time I see it.

that seems to be the general HBO style. The Sopranos, The Wire, and now Game of Thrones all do/did that

Friday Night Lights did it very well also. it can be done with a skillful writing staff, which Community obviously has.

VERY glad IDF is higher than Redux, but am surprised it was even that close. I think a bunch of season 1 episodes in the last batch are better.

Dan Harmon @danharmon

mine is the exact opposite. top 10 is 80% season 2 but 11-20 is heavily season 1.

I had Debate 109 at 8th in my season 1 ranks. and it was still at 19th

yeah @avclub-d9c9a056f6052ffbfa3526be3478d45e:disqus I agree with what you said. That's probably the general consensus. Season 2 reached greater heights, but Season 1's lesser episodes were better than the Season 2 duds. I think when we rank more episodes we'll see that come into play more.

yeah, i agree in terms of general order of season 1, but there are a few season 3 eps in there that I think are above some season 1 episodes because of recency bias.

I think when we do this again and rank more episodes, we will see some differences, like I don't think Geography of Global Conflict is a better episode than Investigative Journalism, and think many here agree.

so this is how we ranked the season 1 episodes:

so what season 3 episodes are left? obviously RCT and RHM, but Redux as well? I would personally say all of this newest batch is better than Redux, but otherwise can't complain, these are all great eps and am glad they made the top 20. the fact that they aren't higher just goes to show how many good eps there are.

those are some great eps

@avclub-d9c9a056f6052ffbfa3526be3478d45e:disqus that's the thing - it isn't all that detailed a spoiler. For example, if this was modern warfare - the comparison would be someone going to set and saying "there is going to be a paintball fight"