
there is definitely a spoiler about what the finale is going to be about in general, but its not all that detailed if you are afraid of a specific spoiler, just FYI.

thats definitely true, it should get props for pulling off the off-campus thing for the first time

@avclub-b7a8211586995578af1a2a97cfd214ca:disqus to clarify what I had said earlier about using the median, for each episode you calculate the median ranking then rank it by that.

oh, I didn't mean 'standardized' as in specifically referring to a statistical calculation, just meant the general term of 'standard' as in everyone should rank the same amount of episodes, at the very least (that way the NUMBER of points each person contributes to the total is the same).

I agree. it has to be standardized. people ranking something 40th whereas others only rank 35 would then give points to an episode and elevate it falsely.  I think we should do all 69 episodes, personally.

haha yeah I threw up in my mouth as I was saying that, lol. I've actually had a pretty positive outlook about it from the start. Do you guys remember when people thought that we weren't going to get any more episodes on NBC at ALL? that was the worst.

yeah if Troy and Abed's schtick wasn't already getting a bit tired at that point in the season, they definitely hit that point hard in both this episode and 307.

no, I mean this system is good too, but using median ranking would end up being more representative of of our official collective ranks. But it would involve a bit more work. Anyways I'm fine with using the current point system again.

yeah gold soundz is my favorite song.

I'm down for it for sure, hopefully the summer won't be us all wallowing in our sorrow about the show being cancelled.

yeah I like him a lot as well. funny enough, he guest starred on HE playing Adam Pally's boyfriend.

some worries man, some worries.

well, we'll get to this later, but I think there is something really weird about the fact that only 5 episodes made every list. I mean did someone really not include Mixology or Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking in their top 30??? not to mention something like Critical Film Studies (though I can understand that one


haha Gold Soundz is what I always answer when asked what my favorite song is. I'm going to listen to it right now!

not to rehash the same point, but what the hell, I will. Communication Studies is a more important and better episode than any of these on the newest batch.

Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain is probably my favorite album ever

@avclub-b7a8211586995578af1a2a97cfd214ca:disqus yeah I see your point, if you haven't seen season 1 in a while it is definitely easy to forget. I remember the first time I rewatched season 1 again about a year ago in February I was amazed at how much I had forgotten and the fact it worked so well on rewatch is when I

I think Communication Studies was robbed! one of the best episodes of season 1. I think people were trying to give season 3 the benefit of the doubt by ranking Modern Movement so high. (I mean seriously, ranking it 4th seems a bit extreme).

that was my exact thought