
I also really like 'ok, if you're going to get all upper east side about this…" from britta

I LOVE that line by the Derrick girl, its perfect

Britta made it to regionals

Joel McHale @joelmchale
Got fitted for a pair of custom leather pants today. #Community #leatherdaddybucketlist

haha, yeah this reference was lost on me, just had to wikipedia the name.

I registered my screen name one night in a drunken stupor. I woke up surrounded by crystal meth and fried chicken and in my drunken haze googled those two terms together. Los Pollos Hermanos is the first thing that came up and I registered for AV Club using the name.

I'm guessing paradigms, cooperative calligraphy, or mixology

plus she bought a cone bra

i just flashed to the evil timeline where Alison Brie was on Glee and whats her face was on Community

i approve

@avclub-b7a8211586995578af1a2a97cfd214ca:disqus when are you planning on releasing the ranking? have you received all the lists you were waiting for? no hurry, just wondering

you son of a bitch. you magnificent son of a bitch!

well what do you know? you're Automatic_Taglines dumb gay dad.

what is your favorite episode for each character? use whatever criteria you like - whether its that they had the best character moments or best lines or whatever.

emily cutler isn't on the show anymore, I think she writes for Suburgatory now. If you haven't seen it its a comedy on ABC about an incestuous relationship.

i really really hope mckenna is writing another one this season. he got 3 in season 2 so I presume he has another one but I don't know

gotta be McKenna. 4 out of 6 in my top 10, 5 out of 6 in my top 30.

I liked that episode but something seemed off with Annie's story to me. I think they could have done something better.

I agree. I sometimes forget that Annie was the star of Fistful and think to myself that Annie has had like 4 duds in a row but Fistful was great.