
then you'd have a gym bag full of nickels.

so many great shows there.

@avclub-eede55069a8d3430b54730901f49c230:disqus has shamed us all. I only got 30. there were some tough ones on there

yeah I guess since Ive always known the show with the credit song I really enjoy it but I know a lot of people don't. I also think Dan Harmon doesn't like it much either, or at least didn't like the idea of a theme song when they were creating the show

yeah my top 5 is hard to do - I could easily put Louie and Seinfeld in there and make it my solid top 7.

No, he wasn't stoned, they were all 'drunk' on the fake beer Sam and his friends had replaced the actual beer keg with.

jesus is just alright with me!

LOVE communication studies. it was in my top 15.

asian population perfectly fits the underrated gems spot for me.

that's my exact sentiment. I've watched every episode live since the pilot and thats the very first one I watched and was like 'wtf?' about. I remember coming here to read todd's review and it was nowhere near as scathing as I expected it to be.

don't forget Pavement. Hipster's go to retro band.

yeah it was hard to include that because of Britta. she absolutely owns that episode. That episode and documentary Filmmaking may have the best Britta moments.

yeah I like both Politics and Interpretive Dance quite a bit. I guess the comparison will be to see how Dance ranks on the list.

good point with Interpretative Dance. While I do enjoy it and I wouldn't put it in my bottom 5 I have often thought both that episode and Politics of Human sexuality were the most forgotten episodes of season 1, they don't come up often in discussion, whether good or bad.

so I'm the only one so far to include celeb pharm. i feel like Im taking crazy pills on that one. it sticks out like a sore thumb to me. chang is terrible and the plot is as stock sitcom as community ever gets. the first time I saw it I thought it was a parody of some type of after school special

Since there is a lot of discussion about Advanced Criminal Law and whether or not it is a good episode - I thought it would be interesting to see what people would rank their Bottom 5 episodes as. (sorry if this has been done before?). Mine:

1. Houston, Tx
2. I know a good amount of people who watch and like Community. 
3. Ive watched pretty much every episode live starting with the pilot
4. 25

yep, roundball rock.

I was about to say Entourage but there were 96 episode of that?