
yeah, though certain channels like IFC buy the rights to shows with only one season (F and G, undeclared, arrested) but I think for mainstream syndication this is true.

Who are your favorite and least favorite professors? (I didn't include Chang or Duncan)

what are the chances this whole hiatus by NBC is one big test of the Duncan Principle?

no, it doesn't get better.

i would LOVE to see her on Community! make it happen peoples.

one of my friends said Parks was better because they know what they are and Community 'does weird things like the claymation thing sometimes'. I told him to rewatch the series and he did on Hulu and now he definitely likes Community more. I think on rewatch it is clear which is better

yeah he was supposed to come back as an exploration of what it is like when someone comes back to the government from the private sector but that seems to have gone by the wayside.

The NBA on NBC is the greatest thing of all time. I can spend hours on Youtube watching clips from playoffs in the 90s with the theme music playing and Bob Costas doing his famous voiceovers going into commercial….

if you want me to take it seriously stop saying its name

great review. I love this episode. I don't know why its so maligned

Both her and Abed like Happy Endings

Ahh professor whitman, miss him.

absolutely - its 18 episodes and well worth the watch. Its very rewatchable as well.

I never thought here would be a show where I would care about the characters as much as I did for Freaks and Geeks. Until Community.

no words.

how many total ranks lists do you have so far?

based on the nature of the tweet it certainly seems like the latter. I don't think he would tweet some top secret info out, first of all.

its most likely that Chuck Todd is not the type of person that pays attention to this stuff (i.e. MOST people) and just now heard that Community was on hiatus or 'cancelled' like some people think. he doesn't know anything we haven't known since right before 308

Dan Harmon @danharmonDepends what fails, brah! RT @chucktodd heard disturbing rumor: "Community" might not come back? NBC West Coasters, tell me it's not true.

I'm hoping for a surprise post-super bowl slot premiere.