
Jesus, is that irony, or does an adult human being actual believe that?

“I almost signed him.”

Comey is not good. Trump firing him during the course of an investigation is EXTRA not good.

Hell, even when he WAS doing the negotiating himself it’s not like he was good at it. This gormless chucklefuck went bankrupt trying to sell gambling, steak, and football to America. He’s been coasting his entire life on the money he was gifted by his father and then lying about his net worth.

Peggy said she loved Donald Trump’s speech because it reminded her of “La La Land,” which she said she hasn’t seen.

I guess I’m one of the mythical “undecided voters,” in that I am undecided as to whether I will vote at all. There are surely more undecided voters like me than of the other type, those civic-minded numbskulls who populate televised town halls and Frank Luntz focus groups because they are positive they will vote, but

Right after the election, I couldn’t shake that feeling everywhere I went. I kept eyeing people suspiciously, wondering, “Was it you? Were you one of the people who voted for them?” It was an awful, paranoid feeling. It went away after a few days, but it’s come back on full force this week.

Because Obama was not a Russian mole.

I saw that and my first thought was that no, it isn’t at all like that. It’s more like having a dietician advise that you eat at Burger King. (without having to disclose the fact that he owns a bunch of Burger Kings.)

And if Sage Steele things LAX was a nightmare, just imagine trying to get across the Edmund Pettus Bridge back in the day.

Except that the order also completely bars entry to those with green cards, with already-issued Visas, and even things like UK citizens with dual citizenship in the effected countries.

Fucking NICKLEBACK has had crowds like Trump has had.

It’s exactly as colossally stupid as it seems. Trump became the nominee of the Party that embraced him so thoroughly due, in no small part, to the fact that the press soft-pedaled the obscenity of his life, his actions, his politics, and his own language. Werder is behaving as if this was an exception, and as if Trump