
I've never seen more drunks in my life than around the Windsor, Ontario area, it was bizarre (esp. growing up in LA). Burn!

Service animal.

Compared to a broom, these are environmentally-dirty machines that increase your likelihood of turning into the blob people in Wall-E.

WTF is the Ken Burns of the high-voltage sub-station re: phone system signaling?

I pray that the "productization" process doesn't ruin the original vision of this car. +1 for the dude on this one.

Well the key thing to remember is that its a tool, not a toy, so its gonna be worn just like a doorknob, etc.

I am certain that the Stig has been about a dozen drivers...and that's why...my racing name is:

Too many choices for a solid poll....and iPad iOS 4 doesn't count—we know its coming.

80's Punk Song:

The best part was left out—

Dude was an idea Pirate, and this was his Idea Pirate Base.

The cops are ridiculous—if you didn't catch the guy out in the wild, it shouldn't count!

This was tried with "windows".

When are they going to acquire someone that can...:

@Dynasty99: Dude, its simple: its yet another thing that can be synthesized, switched, dicked with, or just wrong.

@infmom: Yeah, but back in their day, someone would be following you, burning up shoe leather.

@Alicemagic: Because you can be convicted (in error) by data from a little box. "Circumstantial Evidence" is sometimes "We figger he's guilty enough."

This is what's messed up about CA, and the Federal Court System. There are districts in the East that are the size of a tennis court, but the 9th district covers tons of states.

@MrFizzle: It sure as hell can if the (manufacturing cost) 90 cent switch is busted. We had a maserati that not only could start in gear, it could go into reverse and 3rd at the same time.

I live in piece of tupperware bolted to a skateboard, itself made out of sustainable uranium tailings.