
All your bytes are mine.

Awesome! Nice to see dirtbags go to jail. Maybe he'll find Jesus, or, HeySoos.

Now, to get the rocket to launch FROM the sub, that's the ticket.

I had a Caravelle..."finnicky" doesn't cut it. I always thought it should be used as a speed boat though. Hmm.

@Prostate of Grace: The hips part is a side-effect of parallax: the reflection is capturing a different point of view...its not a "reflection" per se but an image (in reverse) of what he would look like (emphasis) from the point of view of the oven door. If you were inside the oven, you'd see him that way.

Simple: take pictures of cars going by, without panning the camera, with basic consumer cameras of a couple years ago...and you'll see slight diagonality in lines that should be straight up and down.

@jepzilla: Excellent and brief example of what brought down the plane: Cascading failures made possible by the natural human tendency to slack off.

(Said the 43-yr-old) "Who's Nirvana?"


So can private key one-time-pad. Simpler.

Boy oh boy, folks are jumpy in Atlanta.

I'm not sure if you guys know, but, there's a gajillion people who read this site who not avoid smoking dope, but, think its a baddddddd idea.

Waiiiiiiting for Season 3 of True Blood. No cable for this house.

Have you guys seen Morgans race (recently?) Its obscenely cool to see these swoopee-doo body shapes rip around tracks with 'vettes etc.

Read "March of the Morons" — We won't need to actually MAKE advances, the press will just declare them so.

The HOA is the only one that screwed the neighbors. Everyone that lives in a HOA gets what they get. Its not your house, its the Association's house.


BP Fail. There is no leak. [Admiral Fish-face] Its an attack! Retreat! The British are Oiling! The British are Oiling! Just think, perhaps we can sue them and end up with North Ireland?

Yeah, game consoles are banned in China. Impossible for someone not familiar with their [totalitarian] reality.