
Must everything on this site be so hyperbolic?

Must everything on this site be so hyperbolic?

God this movie has so much win. I've heard some behind the scenes info on this (even saw Cap's FIRST costume) and dude.... this film is gonna be awesomepants.




This is a bit meta, no?

@Arryma: Yeah, the unknown menace is always more terrifying. But showing us the Cylon we see how little "They Have A Plan" actually means and it quickly eroded the center of plot. For me the episode "Downloaded" is when the show started to turn.

@DavidRStewart: "It seemed pretty clear to me then that the "God" of machine intelligences would itself be a machine intelligence."

@CarrerCrytharis: I still contend when they started showing the Cylon side of the story the show started going down hill. A lot of people argue that this added demension and a grey area to the "villains;" (and I know I like adding POV from the villains in my own writing) but in this case it robbed the show of the

@V: I like you.

Verily, and then He said unto them, thy have no plan, thy only thought twas cool. There be no Cylon nameth Daniel, they only thought twas cool. So say we all.

Axe Cop! Axe Cop! Axe Cop!

@Craig Michael Ranapia: I love omnipotent disco ghosts... because at least that would have made sense.

Does the BSG Bible end with:

@OutlawDominus: God that is so much fucking WIN right there.

@anie.wieder: It's solid. Solid as Iraq. Mission Accomplished!