
If Stan Lee really wants to fight the good fight, he should try convincing people that "alot" is not actually one word.

@Nancy Sin: Just manipulate him into thinking proposing was all his idea! Brilliant! Because we live in some old timey cartoon where women are all just after that ring, and the clods we date are too dumb to follow a conversation without stumbling over it and rising up on one knee.

@sableized (put on your lipstick and leave): I was down with the Austen hate until a college class where we read what her predecessors and contemporaries were up to— in comparison, she's way more palatable.

I'm so glad The Doula Project is getting good press on Jezebel.

J. Lo's comment riles me up. Granted, women tend to release more eggs per cycle as they get older but all these late thirties/early 40s celebs having twins, J. Lo included, are definitely not all the product of a leave-it-to-God philosophy.

What about Ice Palnet 2112?