Osborne Cox?

The Rise and Fall of the Third Mic

“Yet another Whyte man attacked by a black man. Sad!”

unfortunate mic placement

If he signed with Baltimore, you guys would change your tune very quickly.

Eh, just get him to sprinkle some Old Bay into a Natty Bo and chug it down, and Marylanders won’t be able to buy his jersey fast enough.

He should consider himself lucky, the Vikings version of this story ends in a woodchipper.

Jesus. He got nailed so hard he could start a new religion.

My sympathy to you, sir...Being raised in a country devoid of humor must’ve been decidedly worse.

That’s okay, Trump has the best pictures. Really good pictures. Shark pictures that are really good. Really the best shark pictures.

Tie goes to the school who didn’t cover up child molestation for four decades.

Maybe it will be good for Penn State to get a sense of how it feels to have its case ignored.

Think of all the healing that could have happened if they let Penn State in!

The Rams green-lighting a tired reboot everyone already saw and hated is the most LA thing they’ve done yet.

I wouldn’t say that. She trusted that the principal would help her and he did.

These are kids; telling a trusted adult is not a “wasted step”, and it also allows her some accommodation from the school, so she doesn’t have to ride the same bus with him or whatnot. Give the girl a break- she did nothing wrong. No one can ever be a victim perfectly enough to meet everyone’s standards.

“Let’s face it, he’s going to look out for corporations, to make things work for them, to bring jobs back home,” Terry said. “And as things trickle down — as they’re going to because it’s America — the little guy will get something, too.”