
Here I was thinking that the original pic would be a tourist type shot, and maybe she was half in frame in the background. I wasn't really expecting full on creep shots, and if I were her I would have lost my shit too, she is clearly the object of attention in the photo.

The rich racist white man who makes his money off of other racist white men is the real victim here.


And Louis C.K. is a close personal friend of theirs who has been on their show several times and kept his mouth shut whenever they would go on racist tirades. Tell me more about how he is the patron saint of feminism again?

There's definitely more to this story than this piece of shit is letting on. Why wouldn't he press charges on this woman? Wouldn't he love nothing more than to see every black person in jail? I hope this woman tells us her side of the story.

Not really. I much prefer jam or sweetened condensed milk on my toast. Although I do enjoy a nice red pepper jelly with some cream cheese on a Triscuit now and then.

On the thread where you were babbling about race I thought you were definitely a troll. But now I'm thinking you're ACTUALLY insane.

Often, a very simply, silly and thoughtless act can have outsize consequences and change someone's life in a heartbeat and forever (hello, drunk drivers). Many of us do these simple, silly and thoughtless acts and suffer NO consequences. That is often just plain dumb luck.

Does it ever occur to these asshole fathers that the only reason they are afraid of their daughters dating is because they treated women so fucking horribly until they met the one they decided to marry/procreate with? Why doesn't anyone ever discuss the desire to teach their sons how to treat women like human fucking

that actually explains why he seems emotionally underdeveloped. ending a 20 year relationship must be super brutal, but it's one thing to be desperate and another to be relentlessly obtuse...and desperate.

I know everyone is focusing on the "little hole" one, but wtf is up with the "hot pot of gold"? Please, PLEASE tell me this is a GoT reference, and someone will be giving Robin Thicke a golden crown pretty soon.

Also: GROSS.

"All I need is a little hole" ?


Nope- that film is brilliant! sorry

the notebook was a kissing story

I HATED The Notebook. HATED it. 2 awful human beings, surrounded by awful human beings and we're supposed to care if the ever hook up? No thanks.

"Old Guy Reads Out Loud: The Movie."

OK, I sort of like Love, Actually sometimes, but I love you for this. I have NEVER understood the love for The Notebook. Or anything Nicholas Sparks writes, to tell the truth. I watch Safe Haven on my Netflix recently and kept thinking, "Wasn't this a Julia Roberts' movie in the '80s?" And then the end with the

...because she's like the Michigan J. Frog of dementia...