
I accept this wholeheartedly.

Come on, Slay Belle's gotta factor in here somewhere!

Of course not! Women would be too 'biased'. Everyone knows that our hysterical uteri prevent us from dealing with sexual assault in the same calm, rational manner as men.


They've got to do something different with her storyline. A bit of Targaryen madness would be pretty amazing. Also, she'd better keep Jorah around.

Yes, this. Duck blind or deer stand is minimal work, but most of the hunting I've done has been pretty labour intensive. Caribou and sheep are a ton of work, and even duck hunting that requires wading through swamps or a bunch of paddling.

I've managed to spend all day avoiding this whole shitstorm, but.... What?!? How?! You're probably the most consistently balanced, thoughtful, kind and reasonable people on all of gawker—not to mention one of its most interesting and intelligent writers. I'm appalled.

That was absolutely what excited me the most about this entire thing.

Xtratufs are the BEST. Plus, so versatile!

This. This right here is where I started loling.

Omigawd that smile I can't even.

I apologize for being rude in my last response to you—I hadn't read your other comments about struggling with depression, and was too quick to judge and dismiss you. I'm sorry that you've struggled dating, and I don't doubt that there are systematic barriers for short, fat men (even white ones!). I hope you find

I hadn't read any of the other comments when I made this reply—I'd only seen my initial response to him and his subsequent reply. Now that I've caught up with it all, I do feel bad for adding to the pile-on. The guy has other issues going on for sure, and that deserves sympathy and respect.

It astonishes me that your charming, positive personality has failed to bring all the ladies to the yard!

For a brief sampling of non-thin men under 6' who manage to do amazingly in life and with the ladies:

I feel like he still captures what's really important about Peeta—he's strong, he's handsome, he's charming, he's caring and incredibly devoted to Katniss. The physical details don't really matter... Katniss is described as starvation-thin, and I couldn't care less that she's not in the movies because Jennifer

This is a good point. I'm not small, and I've often felt very self-conscious with smaller, skinny men. I've found them very desirable, but it's triggered feelings of internalized inadequacy for not being delicate and feminine enough.

I know (and have dated) many attractive, wonderful men who are fat and under 6 foot. There's nothing inherently undesirable about either of those things.

I love that Peeta's height is a non-issue in the Hunger Games. Yes, there are lots of not-super-tall male actors out there, but movies often seem to go to great lengths to disguise that fact. Peeta is visibly shorter than Katniss is many scenes, and neither of them give a fuck, and it is beautiful. Just like him.