
I love you for this.

Well said, and chilling.

The sad and frightening thing is, 'normally functioning human beings' do this kind of thing all the damn time. The vast majority of rape isn't committed by evil scary shadow monsters, it's done by normal guys, even "nice" guys—and our communities and culture support them in doing it.

Yeah, that makes sense. I've worked at a couple shelters though, and the police always knew where we were located even though the address wasn't publicized. In addition to transporting women, police also perform regular drive-bys (on request) when the shelters are on "high risk" status, and not-infrequently have to

Good point about Tywin. He's pretty amazing in the show, whereas in the books he's more of this... terrifying intimidating presence that we never really get to know as a character.

Really?! I don't see that at all, but I'd love to hear why you do. I found book-Tyrion to be consistently sympathetic, maybe even more so than in the show (just because we spend more time in his head, so to speak).

Correction: *has been Fred Savage but less cute and bewildered, more furious and bawling. I was in a public place when I reached the RW in SoS... it was horrible.

For the most part, I agree with you (which is what makes the books so incredible). But in this particular case, it seems at least clear that Robb is more sympathetic/protagonisty than Joffrey.

Police officers *should* know the location of shelters, because they *should* be collaborating with local anti-violence organizations in a variety of ways (e.g. providing safe transportation to the shelter for the woman after they've responded to a 'domestic').

I think you mean: "Forty percent of the articles of Laura Beck's article have a glaring type in it the first sentence"

Absolutely! Even when I took science classes I was constantly thinking "Hey, I remember this from MSB". Plus, has there ever been a better catch phrase than "Take chances, make mistakes, and geeetttt messy!"?

Confession: To this day, the vast majority of my scientific knowledge comes from the Magic School Bus.

Agreed. My knowledge of the American legal system basically comes from crime procedurals, but... aren't there some legitimate charges that could be laid against those adults? Aiding and abetting, obstruction of justice...?

Amen. It's that pervasive attitude that these were just poor, innocent kids who were somehow victims of their circumstances, that makes me worry that the main message they'll learn from this process (despite being found guilty) is that no one really cares if they rape someone. In fact, an entire community will bend

As bleak and horrific as this whole case has been, this verdict fills me with relief. My cynical side, on the other hand, is devastated at the thought of all the backlash that poor girl will have to face within her own community. Awful.

Right?! It's blowing my mind how many sincerely outraged responses there are to this. I mean... I know Jezebel has fallen from what it used to be, and often *does* post enraging things. But this?! Really?

Oh, Olena is also amazing. But I remain convinced that Margery has more agency and control over the scheming than it has seemed so far....

Oh god, a quick google search seems to have confirmed that Dany is indeed dating Seth McFarlane. I am deeply disappointed...

She's amazing!! I was thrilled when the TV series essentially confirmed theories that she's a seriously clever mover-and-shaker. Can't wait to see how it all plays out.