Jennifer Gray’s nose job made me sad.
Jennifer Gray’s nose job made me sad.
Marry me!
Maybe she mistook the drowsy eye, alcohol warning for a winking eye alcohol suggestion?
My fan theory is that she faked her own death to escape a suffocating marriage.
I’m a Donna truther.
As someone above thread pointed out, the Pence’s don’t associate with coloreds.
I assume people who “can’t” keep track of bath towels are entirely capable of it, but passive-aggressively won’t keep track of it. My mother definitely resents that I won’t share chapstick/lipstick/lipgloss with her anymore, and I could totally see her saying, “Oh, I thought that was mine,” when she knew it wasn’t.…
There’s a whole section in “The Feminine Mystique” where Friedan talks about how labor-saving devices actually created more work for the stay-at-home woman. One of the example I remember is women growing up and the sheets and pillowcases got washed once a week, on laundry day, but suddenly it’s 1960 and there’s a…
Can you tell her random people on the internet want to know? TYVM
I have two words for Mother :
Oh, your friend really needs to share her story!
My friend worked for Mike Pence in his congressional office. She dislikes Pence but really hates Mother. It is her story to tell (I’m trying to get her to tell it) but let’s just say that Mother likes to scold other women who do not meet her ideal of proper Mike Pence female underlings. The office environment was…
I can’t believe there are still “LGBTQ For 45" supporters out there. Don’t they know they’re next on his hit list? Ordinarily I don’t ask someone to ungrey my comments, preferring to let it stand on its own merit. But I think this is appropriate especially today.
I fucking hate this man with every fiber of my being. He’s such a cowardly worm of a man, with no respect for anyone who doesn’t kiss his ass.
Harry Styles was good!
Reminder that it’s possible to believe both that O.J. Simpson killed two people in 1994 and that the Nevada parole board did its job correctly today
Was he talking about insurance or the Dollar Shave Club?
To be fair on point 2, I’m sure there may be some budget life insurance plans with very low payouts for a 21 year old that are not far from that - I’ve seen $2/month plans like that.