
He also thinks Akie Abe doesn’t speak English.

Why WOULDN’T he continue abhorrent behavior? This guy is sick and I only feel for the women caught in the abusive/cult followed mind set, NOT the parents. They knew his history but excused it for the possibility at fame and NOW they’re concerned??? As a parent, I feel compelled to ask if they’re really concerned about

How any parent could let R Kelly “mentor” their teenage daughter is beyond me.

I was suicidal once. Everyday thought about it. Was seriously planning it. I tried my best not to let on. I wanted it to be viewed as a tragic accident.

And then he’ll get pardoned by his dad. It’s a win-win for everybody! Well, everybody with the last name Trump at least.

Plus I think he’s attracted to Mika and because she’s marrying Joe, he feels the need to attack her like the petty little tyrant that he is. I bet you he tried to hit on her once and she shot him down, and his fragile little ego couldn’t handle it.

Tonight’s AC360 featured four people explaining to Jeffrey Lord how sexism works while he held Trump’s Mika tweet up as a prime example of gender equality.

I really do not understand why mainstream / liberal networks continue to bend over backwards to court conservatives. Between this hot garbage and CNN continuing to place the most ludicrous conservative voices on Anderson Cooper 360... I hate to look at “trusted” news anymore.

Hmm. Unlike the right, the left doesn’t need to lie to defend themselves. We’ve made mistakes: Benghazi, Hillary’s emails, Obama saying we can keep our doctors, CNN retracting one story about Trump and The NY Times having to correct a Sarah Palin story. I’m cool with our mistakes considering Trump has done far worse

I really miss Obama and how much dignity and grace he and Michelle had when they were insulted. Frankly, they had some horrific and awful things said about them.

I wanna know why Russel Brand was left out of the question but Diplo was there. Maybe divorce papers ?

Did you ever watch the TV movie with Enrio as Giovanni and Gina Gershon as Donnatella? She was AMAZING (as always)

You can pin some of Donatella’s problems on bad plastic surgery, but I think lifestyle choices (drugs and smoking, a weight problem bordering on anorexia, and - the biggest contributor - sun damage) are probably equally, if not more so, to blame for how she looks.

Aside from a deep tan and bad bleach job, Donatella looked pretty normal back then. Was she Penelope Cruz beautiful? No. But she couldn’t double as a stand-in for Janice from The Muppets.

I’m hoping there’s a nude love scene with Edgar Ramirez and Ricky Martin. Otherwise, I will be very disappointed.. A wasted opportunity if they don’t have one.

I found out about this from my dad. After having dinner with him, he sent me and my sister a text saying he loves us and not to go anywhere alone for the next few days.

But there are levels of drunk. If DeMario was supportive-ladies-in-the-bar-bathroom drunk and Corinne was can’t-coordinate-facial-expressions drunk, that’s a problem.

That’s probably the whole crux of this thing. If they were just two drunks in a pool, it’s just another weekend in Acapulco. The fact that they were two drunks in a pool on a tv show and that they kept filming is a big liability for the production company.

Most old Fox News viewers I know leave it on all day and only half pay attention to it, either because they can’t really understand it all anymore or because they’re doing something else at the same time. It’s why they repeat themselves so often, and why they don’t explain things. It’s mostly just buzzwords repeated