
I genuinely wonder what the fuck goes through his head every morning when he looks at himself in the mirror. Like... even he has to know that he is in no way qualified to handle Middle Eastern peace.Dude couldnt make a successful real estate deal on 5th fucking avenue, why the hell would he be able to convince

It also means he got drunk once and cheated on his wife.

Also, does he not have any aides that are women? (Probably not) How on earth would they be able to do their job if they could never grab lunch with him in the cafeteria and talk over things?


The thought of trying to negotiate a piss in a jumpsuit, plus that cape, after drinking gallons of champagne (because wedding) is giving my bladder extreme stress anxiety!

“Just like when he joked about both of them being tapped by our federal government. All in good fun.”

He wouldn’t pay them. Shit! He doesn’t pay his contractors, which still baffles me that any blue-collar person could know that and vote for him.

Why wouldnt anyone stop him from doing this? Surely someone in there knows how and what nato is.

If you find one like it, you should wear it every day.

They totally hate each other. I want Ryan to step down in disgrace because I don’t want his punchable face to be President if Trump and Pence face charges, as they would if a real investigation ever happens. But who else is there?! I’m scared all the time. I should be able to rest today knowing nothing will happen on

Have to say, Siriano has really hit his stride over the last few years. He’s created some truly gorgeous gowns and I appreciate that he’s a designer who doesn’t just design for the super-model thin.

Martha Stewart Weddings says it’s custom Siriano, which I was super excited to confirm because that was my first guess. Follow him on insta; it’s like dress porn.

Holy shit. That wedding jumpsuit is gorgeous. Any details on it?

A children’s chorus did it, I was shocked. They changed a bunch of lyrics.

Trump rallies always end with “You can’t always get what you want”.

Or all the people who thought Cohen’s Hallelujah was a wonderful Christmas song that should be sung by children.

Sting has said similar things about “Every Breath You Take.”

Huh. I didn’t know that about the song. Granted, every time it played on the radio I would turn it off.

The thing is if Mcintosh had been a “minority student,” then I doubt Rick Perry would have taken time out of his precious schedule to attack Brooks.

Bread and circuses for the mindless drones who will defend him no matter what he does.