Let me sum up the majority of the comments for everyone:
Let me sum up the majority of the comments for everyone:
Sure, I got that stuff.....lovingly stored in ikea boxes in my cupboards. Except my college diploma, which I think is lost and who gives a shit. And plants which are inconvenient for the frequent traveler. I got plenty of plants right outside all my windows anyway.
Most of the essentially important stuff are taken from here:
Found it! It cost $365,000 (or $315,000 if you don't have a deadline) in renovations. [ http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/17/garden/the-founder-of-treehugger-and-his-apartment-of-the-future.html?pagewanted=all ]
No thanks! They actually made 420sqfeet look like less space.
I work with the project and we're working on larger developments. Shoot us a line at interested at lifeedited dot com if, well, ever interested, in downsizing.
This was probably inspired by this apartment in Hong Kong. Still very cool though.
I'm from Resource Furniture - we supplied most of the furniture in the apartment, including the bed system, bunk beds and the extension table. Everyone here who says that this shouldn't be such a big deal is totally right - but Americans have been slow to adopt any new paradigm that doesn't include the word "bigger".…
*Stumbles into apartment with gorgeous woman he met at a bar.
This apartment is a dream....what are the odds that Graham Hill is single?