
Also, since the other two ships were going down anyway why wasn’t one of them sacrificed with the light-speed jump tactic to cripple the Imperial Fleet?

I have a sneaking feeling Quentin Tarrantino is going to cook up some kind of Hollywood revenge pic specifically starring blacklisted actresses.

I used to think the same, I mean mid to late 90s she was a known commodity then just sort of dropped off and you would never see her in anything.

I hope she files a lawsuit. I think she could have a good case for tortious interference.

It was a running joke among my friends and I, “Whatever happened to Mira Sorvino? Wasn’t she supposed to be a big deal?” I feel like such an idiot now. Had no idea she was being blacklisted, and for disgusting reasons, too. Hollywood owes them both (and many others) a career resurgence, if they’re interested in such.

“all views [are] welcome, no matter how crude or incendiary.”

I’m sorry, but what? Ana is defined based on her relationship to her mother. Deckard is/isn’t a replicant (it’s a cute sidestep), but Rachel absolutely is, and it is Rachel’s ability to reproduce that is most important in the narrative. While we start with the men (Bautista’s dude, K, Deckard), they are incidental to

Kind of interesting how he mentions growth of Joi’s character. While I did see her evolve through the movie, the point where K interacts with the giant holographic advertisement made me question whether any of it was real

the only way that women are people is through their relationship with men.

Really? The only way that women are real is their relationship to men? This works for Joi and Luv, but how does it work for Lt. Joshi? She isn’t defined by any of the men, and is tender, hard, cynical, etc., a full fleshed character arc, even in a small role. How does it work for the leader of the resistance? While

Salute Von Ray!

I mean, I don't necessarily object to his point that internet activism is near completely ineffective. I just don't like the idea that he can't be burdened by constant Donny reminders.

What the fuck are you doing? I'm going to go out on a limb here, and guess that you're a non-Muslim non-refugee white, male straight guy. So probably you have the least to lose, at least in the short-term, from what the racist, fascist, narcissistic shitbag currently in power does. So from the perspective of everyone

Is it really that unusual for the Republican party, though? It seems like the logical consequence of the last 50 years or so of party policy to me. In retrospect, something like this pretty much had to happen unless something changed.

He's so unfairly burdened by having to skip over a sentence or two in his very serious internet articles about dead cats and cartoon show recaps!

Fucking French Resistance, always trying to prove how "cool" and "down" they are with resisting Hitler.

It absolutely does display your privilege. This is not a normal situation. It's not even a normal Republican presidency (which, in itself, would be catastrophic). This is the Great Filter given human form and every reminder of his vile existence is a net good.

Good. You shouldn't be able to avoid him until he is gone.

"One-sided" view? Please tell me, what is the alternative view on the wife-raping, Russian agent, who pals around with Nazi wife-beaters? The truth is in the middle after all.

The president is a rapist monster who is literally working for Russia, and is making life a living nightmare for many hardworking and good people around the world (or has already murdered them such as the case of the eight year old American citizen he killed through either callousness or maliciousness in Yemen). The