
So, a Wave Motion Gun.

Lousy book. Also put me off reading any more Mieville. Feeling very impatient with those who were so taken by it; hoping they’ll come around soon.

I never cease to be amused by the fact that the criterion of “sphericalness” so roundly criticized by Brown and his ilk was adopted wholesale by them, with an additional ill-defined criterion tacked on: clearing objects from the orbit. And I remain fascinated by astronomers who express alarm at the prospect of a “very

Disagree. I have no problem with creating a base on the moon in order to learn how to live on the moon itself, but the moon and Mars are simply too different for the former to serve as some kind of analogue for the latter. Saying we must go to the moon first in order to go to Mars just throws up an obstacle to going

My first thought as well!

Is Adam Sandler associated with anything pleasant?

Wallaby. Doodlebug. Teddy bear. Dactylic trifecta.

Yes, caught the Moorcock one. Again, good to see.

I’ve long assumed this DS9 story was inspired in part by the resistance Delany met in getting his novel “Nova” serialized, b/c the editor wasn’t comfortable with a black protagonist. Another inspiration might be the EC Comics classic “Judgment Day,” for which its creators met similar resistance.

Good to see the New Yorker *finally* giving Delany some coverage.

Target of your ire is unclear. What’s the joke? The lab? The specific NASA study? And which taxpayers? Those of the state of Florida (since apparently FSU now owns and runs the lab)? Or someone else? Please revise for clarity and hand back in by the end of the week.

I’m puzzled by the way critics seem to characterize the testers or designers of this device as making outlandish claims, when the proponents themselves have repeatedly claimed that the device doesn’t violate the conservation of momentum. The claims might be incorrect, but they’re not extraordinary claims in themselves.

“Whose only purpose is to stir up irrational fears” — citation? We *know* this is their actual, *only* purpose?

It’s unfortunate Michael Jackson is no longer with us — because the now we cannot have a Special Edition of the prequel trilogy in which a CGI character is replaced by a practical one.

Why don’t you find his arguments convincing? Support that assertion.

Here’s an interview with S. Alan Stern, head of the New Horizons project, on the many reasons why the new IAU classification of Pluto is idiotic:

Gotta love the ad hominem argument that taking the position that Pluto is indeed a planet is motivated by “nostalgia.” It’s a way of evading the *rational* arguments for Pluto’s planetary status — i.e. it’s a concession.

Feels like it’ll be a similar experience to the recent live-action “Space Battleship Yamato.” Basically quite faithful to the original, but also basically superfluous.

Glad to see Beckett’s “Endgame” get a shout-out. Post-apocalyptic SF play, people!