
Aaaand the only shots from the original Star Wars are CG-enhanced or -replaced.

Terrific, terrific, thoroughly terrific gallery. Sharing widely.

Tried to post a pic of the sunrise on the derelict planet from “Alien,” but am mysteriously unable to do so.

So, Ridley Scott pretty much nailed it.

Always interesting to run across physicists’ “our field is the BEST” attitude. It seems so *defensive*. But it’s an attitude that obviously gets a lot of them to work on time, so I’m sure their bosses don’t discourage it.

Why are *you* bringing “every single thing” into the discussion?

Bear in mind that I haven’t made any of my points in terms of what black actors “should” or “shouldn’t” want or do. I’m just noting the general situation black actors seem to be confronted with. (As well as yearning to see Lupita Nyong’o running around in the Star Wars universe.) And thank you for engaging me.

“Whiteface” was *exactly* the phrase that came to my mind as well.

Bringing in Zoe Saldana makes my point for me. “You can be in *this* movie, but blue.” “You can be in *this* movie, but green.”

You’re spending a lot of energy discussing might-have-beens and hypotheticals. “What about this rumor...” “Maybe she feels this way...”

I’m saying two simple things — that it seems a waste to hide an Oscar winning (as well as extraordinarily striking-looking) actress behind CGI, and that there does seem to be something of a trend (Jar Jar, the Na’vi, and now this) in giving black actors roles in which they won’t be seen to be “acting while black.”

Time for you to get back on those meds!

Your school guidance counselor can help you with your problems.

Of course, and it’s great thing. And having Lupita appear as herself (she’s an Oscar winner, remember) would have been great too.

Yes, and the entire Na’vi cast in Avatar.

Lupita Nyong’o playing an entirely CGI character? Jesus, talk about wasting an asset. (Have motion capture characters become a new way for films to cast more black actors without seeming, y’know, too black?)

“An elegant beverage — from a more civilized age.”

Oh, good call. Of course.

Does this drive really violate the conservation of momentum? My impression is that it “catches” quantum vacuum effects in such a way that the effects are felt in, as it were, a single direction. Like a light sail catches photons, but with the “photons,” in this case, popping out of the vacuum.

Kathryn Bigelow.