
Headline check!

Not an improvement! Since the original costumes were intentionally over-the-top goofy, the new ones should be too. The new costumes have their lighthearted aspects, but really, these characters should look as daft as the Power Rangers.

....Well, with awe about the architecture, yes.

Vincent D'Onofrio as Kingpin. That is an almost absurdly good piece of casting.

Well, in this case, at least, they're not "forcing" dark-and-gritty onto a story that wasn't like that to begin with. This is basically Frank Miller's Daredevil, which was indeed dark and gritty.

But you're just repeating the misreading. The reason creating an all-female Ghostbusters was a fun idea in the first place was that the original Ghostbusters already were all guys, so having women Ghostbusters was an original and funny idea. Having Sony turn around and "give men equal time" makes no sense when it's

Compared to itself. 'Formulaic' in the sense of following the same set pattern, being predictable. (Also, re: sentimentality, I don't think sentimentality is a virtue. Deep feeling yes, sentimentality no. The difference being that the latter is a kind of "forced" deep feeling, too-sweet, twee.) By the way, the strip

New Sony logo.

Exactly. That's the key point here. Having a new "guy" movie leap in demanding "equal time" when guy movies take up *all* the time is, almost literally, a dick move.

Which, of course, is a deliberately obtuse reading of the situation. Which is Rush's whole schtick.

You aren't thinking it through. The "all female Ghostbusters" film was simply a fun idea, not exclusionary in spirit. Abruptly following it up with an "all guy Ghostbusters" is just tone-deaf, treating the former film as if it *was* exclusionary, and forgetting, conveniently, that the original Ghostbusters were *all

Well, I'll chime in as the second. I always found it formulaic, sentimental, and unfunny.

Allen and his team are now hard at work retrofitting the wreck with Wave Motion technology.

And she can't get enough Moff. She always needs Mors.

So you're saying you think Amy Adams actually *was* a generic mousey actress in that film? Or are you just trying to change the subject, which we'll take as a concession?

Boy, have you not seen Paul Thomas Anderson's The Master.

You sound stupid and troll-y.

You sound stupid and troll-y.

The music is key. I'd probably be a much bigger fan of anime than I am if more shows had soundtracks as strong as this one.

Jeez, these are all great, straight down the line.
Muchas gracias.