
Why are you thinking about penises so much?

Goodness, you're defensive! I must have voiced an uncomfortable truth for you.

It wasn't "brilliant" on *any* level. Don't overstate your case.

You spent more verbiage on your own whining than I did on my original comment. Didn't have anything better to do today?

If the movie had been more than a shiny and not terribly original bit of Hollywood product this would've been even better news.

This is sort of a left-field answer to the question, but I think it does speak to it.
A number of people here have said (and I agree) that "Star Wars" was not simply a very fun, popular, and compelling movie — it was extremely aesthetically interesting and audacious. And its popularity also decisively changed the

Yes, taking the book as a "clearer" representation of what "really happened" in the movie is the wrong approach. They're totally separate works. What's funny is, Clarke's over-literal narrative always struck me as unconvincing, even when I was a kid. It almost felt like Clarke was trying to *explain away* the sense of

No need to get defensive. I doubt Leaufai meant the comment in a negative way. The girl *did* sound like an elderly lady — and it was cute.

If anything, the linked article is over-elaborate. Just by inspecting the video, you see that the clouds of dust don't billow and swirl and generally float about as they would on earth, but arc right back to the ground. (You can see this in other moon footage as well, when astronauts' boots kick up dust.) I've

The Gulags were shut down over the course of the second half of the '50s, after Stalin bit the dust in '53. Most of what we know as the Soviet space program happened under Khrushchev.

Nah, Americo's right. "Technothrillers" and "science fiction" aren't the same. In fact, I'd argue that technothrillers are better classified as a form of fantasy.

Off-topic question: Is there a *reason* the Doctor and River keep meeting in reverse order? That is, is any sort of cosmic justification ever given for this timey-wimey phenomenon?

Crikey, what a find! Thank you.

There's always that one guy, lunging in to assert that landing on the moon was the be-all and end-all, and therefore capitalism. (Neither the premise nor the deduction work.)

Report from Population Unit LORQ-1138 on Day 5 of all-Soylent diet:

Last week, when I got home from a long stay in Maine, my month's worth of Soylent was waiting for me on the porch in a giant austere white box, looking as though it had just been dropped off by a drone from the local food distribution center of the

With luck he'll keep himself busy for the rest of his life sifting through the flood myths of Mesopotamia, ancient Greece, the Mayans, the Canari, the Ojibwa, the Finns, etc. etc. to explain why this is evidence of Noah's flood in particular.

Nicely written article.

I am — very sincerely — sorry you weren't.