
Dvorsky cites any number of sources (attorneys, judges, professors) in his own article. Omnibudsmoon makes no *specific* objection to any of those *specific* sources, electing instead to hand-wave at cases he won't explain. In other words, he doesn't make a counter-argument.

I hear you. I know a lot of people (including myself) who weren't math whizzes but who were really taken by calculus.

What are your *specific* objections to the points made by the various actual attorneys, judges, and professors Dvorsky cites in the body of the article?
Or are you just making noise?
(The answer is yes — you are just making noise.)

Amusingly, Dvorsky cites many sources (attorneys, justices, professors) and you cite none.

Talk is cheap. Demonstrate your superior wisdom or shut up.

If we're really talking about the hand Luke lost in Cloud City, then assuming the shaft in which he lost it has a closed bottom, the hand should be lying at the bottom of the shaft. If the shaft has an open bottom, or the hand suffered the same fate as Luke himself and got sucked out of a ventilation tube and spat

Miller's great. You have good taste. (But so does everyone at io9.)

This film is poorly written, poorly directed, and poorly acted. One story element after another goes unexplained, and there's an underlying uncertainty of tone and meaning that runs through just about every scene. The film looks beautiful and sounds beautiful — but in the last analysis, it doesn't have a clear idea

I wonder if this has been a subtext of the Christian Right's going after Harry Potter. Quite aside from associating magic with Satanism (or whatever), maybe they know their kids are uniquely susceptible to being swayed by such fantasy. (Because they themselves have made their kids susceptible.)

And you are the internet police, apparently! Meanwhile, above scene: still dull.

Was that... supposed to be interesting? Or witty? (puzzled frown)

Anything with a name like "Mobula Ray" had *better* look like an alien invasion or I'd say it isn't fulfilling the terms of its contract.

The photos themselves are really quite beautiful. And the scale of that Mirny pit is stupefying, just nuts.

You are THE ONE.


Either a spice blow or Cthulhu.

Yeah, Blade Runner was pretty much the origin of the trope, not a tired repetition of it.

Why are *you* bringing the Italian, Nazi, and USSR propaganda machines into the discussion? The US did, objectively, have one. (Ever see Capra's "Why We Fight" films?) Get off *your* soapbox.

That is a very science-fictional headline.

Reminds me of "The Female Man" by Joanna Russ.

Ahh, gotta love it when a defender of the GOP leaps in to make a lame false equivalence argument. It's a lovely concession that's been made.