
"I'm not so sure this was a fault of the Russian Imperial Army that started the Great War..."

Looks good; no question about it.

Really beautiful.

I think they capture it quite well.

You've struck gold here.
I vote Space: 1999 next.

I have great hopes for Ceres. So much closer than the moons of Jupiter and Saturn.

Golly, I was completely unaware of this missing passage. Thanks.

Disagree on both counts.

Also, if a story is only using the "tip of the iceberg" approach to its science, or even if it's shading over into science fantasy, it should clearly signal that it knows, respects, and cares what science, scientific explanations, and the scientific worldview in general, are. Doctor Who is basically fantasy, but it's

I keep expecting to see Thunderbird 3 burst up through the middle of the Refuge de Gouter.

"All right, Stromberg, you've made your point."

I recall reading some of Guinness's published diaries and noticing that they were packed with disdain for lots of people. He does seem to have been a bit of a passive-aggressive sourpuss.

Sounds great! I'm sold.

Sounds great! I'm sold.

"...it still leaves you cold because it's not about anything."

Yes, and those blink moments are the silliest parts of the film.

As is your complaint.

"It's likely the universe extends forever in space..."
What's the relationship between this statement and the finite age and expanding nature of the universe? After the Big Band the universe didn't go from "zero" to "infinity." What exactly is meant here?

Puts me in mind of Enter the Void.