
I like the character and actress, but I have the same problem with her that I do with the Daleks — there's a constant over-the-top amping up of stories involving her that the character hasn't really earned. I feel like they're trying to "sell" me on her mystique, in the same way that they're trying to "sell" me on

And let us not forget "The Caves of Androzani."

Sure, it's possible that "some" climate change skeptics were sincere. Your point?

Glad to see Brunner get a mention. He could be *very* good, if done right.

On the other hand, it could be three *short* movies, an hour and a half each. Can show more screenings per day that way.

Nah, not totalitarian. Without the large top-down state, centralized control, or governing figure, you just don't have totalitarianism. This more reminds me of the original colonies of the Pilgrims in New England.

Peter Dinklage.

Thoroughly enjoyed it. Liked it better than the other two sequels, actually.

Hilarious! The better you know the original shot-by-shot context of the original film, the funnier this gets.

Here's the actual link, so those who care to know first-hand what the article actually says can look into it. Comment thread is interesting too.

I've become equally fascinated by the moment when the deja vu feeling *fades*. There you are in the middle of the experience, feeling acutely as though everything that's happening around you has happened before, and then suddenly, without the environment changing in any significant way, the sensation vanishes.

The landing plan for the Mars rover after this one will involve the simultaneous deployment of a catapult, space elevator, pogo stick, and atom bomb.

Also Samuel R. Delany, who traveled in Greece — with short additional stints in Turkey and England — in his early 20s. Those experiences clearly left their imprint on his early novels, "The Einstein Intersection" and "Nova."

Anyone who trots out the "nothing was happening in SF in the '70s, and then came cyberpunk" line, like Bacigalupi does in his article, is obviously unaware of (among several other things) this classic rebuttal, made over 25 years ago in response to Bruce Sterling when he first made the claim:

That was perhaps the most generic post ever.

Yes, "from" would be proper usage.

Ah, but one person who knows Newsom did respond, and others who are interested can just do a Google search or find YouTube clips. Yay Internet!

My thought exactly. This exhibit provides the whole visual lexicon for Soviet dieselpunk. Fascinating stuff.