Has a Brazilian, i’ll tell you: That is the case.
Has a Brazilian, i’ll tell you: That is the case.
I’m brazilian and i approve of this message. It IS revered. A lot.
*nods in agreement*
Could you perhaps explain further? I’m not native to an English speaking country, and that kind of sparked my interest.
Wait, so people shouldn’t use proper grammar whenever they feel they’re writing an important thing? I always use proper grammar to the best of my abilities, being foreign to English, in the writing of supposedly important written documents or e-mails/messages.
Wait, we’re complaining he used proper grammar? Even if it’s not what one usually does, i’d recommend going all “formal” and “fancy” or something of that sort every once in a while, and i liked the way he wrote, even though i’m not native to English.
Oh my god... DO IT, TORCH!!!
*cough cough*
Unfortunately, not all cars “chirp” like that. Many just... don’t do anything. You just gotta hope it worked.
They call it “Autopilot”.
She didn’t want the average old suv.
Funny. On a serious note, i am sober.
*carefully hands vodka to a giggling woman, likely his wife*
Or you could start investing on factory automation.
I can, off of the top of my head, think of 2.
I hate when people act like you; but by GOd- i mean, SCIENCE is it funny!!
Oh, that crash made big headlines in Brazil!! It killed almost the entire football team.
Which tests and courses are more intensive and require more training? Therefore, people would end up more qualified for that.
Everything is hunky-dory!! Until it isn’t...