Lorenzo Beltran

I'm envious of your nickname for Decidueye. I should have thought of that xD mines just plain old robin-hoot

I'm glad I'm not the only one that named my Decidueye Robin Hoot

Honestly wasn't only here for the collaboration with Florence but the album as a whole isn't that bad. The B grade is pretty much justified.

Does anyone else love the fact that in scream 2 they actually castedTori Spelling to play Sidney for the promo scene for Stab?

Honestly the only Pixar films I really like is ratatouille, toy story, and a bugs life. Everything else was just kinda meh for me.

I just loved the way Butterscotch Butler beat Gumball in checkers(?) and the whole rejection thing with Marshal lee makes me wonder if the two also have a tangled past like Pb and Marceline.
Either way it was a nice episode, I'm always open to seeing more Fionna and Cake episodes. In fact I'd really want a spin off

I really doubt that they are black latinos. Black latinos are hardly represented in tv. I'm not saying to replace blacks on tv, but in this case they shouldn't even have been picked for this role, Hispanics and latinos should have. It would have made much more sense, or how how about actually getting Italian American

Why is Romeo and his family black? Both families are Italian. If Shonda really wanted to make the show diverse she should have casted Hispanic/latinos. That would make way more since than a black Romeo. Honestly what is it with latinos being so unrepresented when we are 16% of the population and growing to soon be the

I was so glad to finally see Killer Frost and a Cisco with actual vibe powers

I find it be laughable that you are comparing Logan to the affluenza teen. He may have been a dick, but he was nowhere as bad as you are putting him off to be. You say that he'll only get worse as he ages, but did you not see the seventh season when he infact matures-something everyone praises Jess for doing. Yes he

Well aren't you an elitist. Nice to assume that all rich people are dicks, but who donated millions to charities? Yeah that's right rich people.
Logan may be privileged, but at least he isn't angsty asshole Jess with his whole the world is against me routine. Despite his 'growing up' he's still trash who just happened

I don't get why people liked Jess so much. Have they not seen season 3 when him and Rory are dating? He was a complete ass.
Back when I first watched this show about seven years ago I was on team Jess but now after rewatching the series a couple times I'm on team Logan. He may have been a dick but he at least was

I would totally be okay with the Doctor coming back to burn Ashildr and her little refugee camp, she would have it coming. Although Williams's performance is great, I just never liked the character.
Now on to Clara, I will greatly miss her. She has grown on me tremendously throughout season 8 & 9 with her run win

Right >.< I'm hoping to not hear about her again after this.

Sorry lol I didn't get the joke. I was just being defensive because I don't to be called a racist for not liking the new 52 Wally

No I'm talking about the black flash of Death. I could careless about the new52 Wally.

Anyone else thinking that Zoom resembles the Black Flash/Black Racer? Now having the Black flash would be awesome.

Why exactly do you say that? I'm always curious to know what will get the tumblr crowd all biter and salty

Really a C+? Were we even watching the same episode. I thought for sure this was at least a sold B. Honestly I've noticed when the show doesn't align to some of your personal views you dislike the entire episode, but whatever.

Too much Clara? If anything Kate, the doctor, and Oagood had more screen time than her. But you're probably a Clara hater whose obsessed with David Tennant