Please keep in mind that Omar Mateen has been on FBI radars since 2013 for possible connections to ISIS terrorist activity:…
Please keep in mind that Omar Mateen has been on FBI radars since 2013 for possible connections to ISIS terrorist activity:…
And the lover dies and haunts the mansion, because nobody but the husband knew that they were locked in the cellar. Or one day basement-lover and attic-lover meet, fall in love and plan to get rid of the couple to take over the mansion.
Resurrect Millihelen plzkthx.
unless he buys his own line of suits.
I am the same way. I think the ‘problem’ arose when I stopped doing those things. I took a week without drinking my normal, casual amount and it was fucking DIFFICULT. I didn’t realize how much I depended on those drinks.
If you can go without them, then there’s really no problem. If you find that you can’t, then there…
It is literally the one single crazy girl, Angel Barta. Not crazies plural.
At least there is a chance that we’ve seen the end of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise
I don’t think prostitution is wrong, as long as the prostitutes weren’t trafficked into it and truly chose it of their own free will. In my opinion, it should be legal everywhere.
Riding a pair of crazes, my partner and I threw a Hamilton-themed gender reveal party. We hired two local urchin children to participate in the reveal and dressed them in blue- and pink-tinted period garb. After an acai bowl brunch, our guests gathered in the courtyard. Both children – the boy child playing Alexander…
Did anyone else initially think this was their way of announcing she’d had an abortion and they were really happy not to be parents? Because that’s what I thought it was at first and found that to be way more creative and interesting.
The comments from current members are a great testament to the accuracy and fairness of your article. Those are exactly the kind of comments I would have expected current members to write. I actually thought at first they were parodies.
In our second phone call, Kuhn-Siegel responded: “Are members free to text? That question is not that interesting to me. I feel like it puts me in a defensive posture, and I don’t feel like I have anything to defend really.”
911 i need an ambulance i have been burned by a hot take
To her therapist
Remember that episode of the “West Wing” where someone tried to sue the President for an sudden and horrifying accident? To paraphrase, people “have to go somewhere” with their grief and anger over catastrophic events in their lives. Faded hope sometimes turns to anger and bitterness, and with nowhere to direct it, it…
Sorry guys I found the best ad five years ago
you’ve prompted me to go re-read all these because 1. don’t want to build this giant report at work today and 2. big strong boyfriend is spending the night tonight so i’m safe!
This sounds like an early set up for Jezebels annual scary stories series!
I never have understood why people who are fired or leave their jobs, decide to willingly burn every bridge they have on the way out. As if noone in their industry has connections that may or may not lead to them getting a future job.