
*you launch yellow bird*

@Justin: Yeah well, you know, sometimes it's 90 degrees outside but it "feels like" 95.

@CodeJanitor: Among the other reasons listed I'm sure it helps to keep the structure warmer as not much surface area is in direct contact with the icy ground.

It looks decidedly lame also.

Some of this kind of stuff I think is cool for half a second and then the other half of the second I realize how lame it would look using it and how quickly it will be come obsolete along with the products it supports.

@Paper-Cut: because it would only work properly when viewed from a head-on perspective. the people sitting up close and on the sides would not have the same experience.

That's what she said...?

Really cool concept. It makes 12am and 12pm a much more significant event on your clock. I like!

RIM just needs to keep playing to it's strengths and stop trying to be an everything-phone company because time has proven that they don't have proper direction to pull it off.

Personally I think this picture should have an equally impressive and functional battery laying next to the chip in the guy's hand.

@Pew Pew BOOM: Hahaha. It's near the gauss wrap and burn ointment you bought for your hand.

@oneofthedreamers: Obviously you're not busy trying to calculate Pi past the 5 trillionth digit on your phone like the rest of us. Slacker!

This is the most 010000010111011101100101011100...

Man, the rest of the pictures at the NY Times website are equally if not more tragic.

Wait is that Radioshack or Ghana? I'm confused.

@moonshadowkati: Eh, regardless of your monetary worth, you still need a well rounded education. I think that's why you see a lot successful young actors and the like going through college and getting degrees. There's a certain amount of respect I think one would lose from "skipping" school.