
maybe not...

Probably with "Green Eyes"

What an iconic, lovable genius... Thanks for everything Steve. Now you're up in your very own iCloud.

Absolutely amazing. I'm so glad I live in a time where I can witness that even on video.

Oh man, I'm glad no one ruined the twist turn ending when the W became a darker W.

Theoretically, the more people that don't get upset when they hear any given "bad" word, the less impact that word has... So for instance if no one got upset or offended when they heard the word "nigger", then it would do no harm just like "plate" or "sky" or "tire"...

I bet you're the type of person who if you smoked cigarettes would flick their butt onto the sidewalk while standing 3 feet from a garbage can because you think it's too small of a piece of trash for it to matter. Problem is millions of people think that way, and all those butts add up to a huge ugly problem. The

Looks like possibly Hawai'i. Unfortunately people who own pools like that tend not to use them but a few times a year.

I think the design of the fountains are pretty nice and probably much more beutiful to see in person, but if I were trying to convey "hope and renewal" here, I would have chosen a color other than dark grey for the fountains.

Wow, you cringe when you look at the square toggle buttons on your iPhone? Because I cringe when I see something like kids walking away from suicide bomb attacks with parts of their body missing. I know you're just trying to make a point that the round buttons are better and why, but that phrase just sounds like it

Hmm, good thing my mom's maiden name is Go Fuck Yourself. Hey, it used to be Shithouse. It was a good change... a good.. change!

Shoulda went:

Hmmmm. Can't wait to see the first instance of someone accidentally projecting a naked picture of themselves that they are tying to send to someone on the wall of a crowded room.

It's so exciting to have space as a new frontier. I think a lot of us will be able to go to space before we get too old. C'mon humanity, let's keep it up.

How? It looks like the 3G bezel.

Sorry Borders, but it's bit and bytes now, not brick and mortar.

I like it. You, sir, have created an e-mail address that someone would actually pay for!

I've decided to charge $7,500 to anyone who wants to be my friend because I'm the only one of myself on the planet and my friendship is super duper exclusive. Pay no mind to the fact that my friendship has been free this whole time... just focus on the fact that now artificial value has been added to my friendship

Everyone is black in a blackout, haha.

I agree, I had no idea it was going to be anything else but a story by this guy. Pretty cool animations.