
Someone call John Cusack! Don't bother calling Woody Harrelson he knows all about what's gunna happen already.

I need this on my wall NOW.

Shoulda hired Doug Antennamaster. Hindsight is always 20/20!

@infmom: if you have a 3g, i would not recommend it.

@BigManMalone: What he said. Plus, the way Apple designed the iPhone 4 (sans antenna issue which jailbreaking has nothing to do with) is already excellent and more than good enough for me.

These people are obviously not living the life a human being should live.

Now you can be directed right past every female because there would be no point in trying to interact with any of them.

Apple: "Mine!"

If it includes a "Stop riding side by side in the street knowing full well that there is a car doing 15 mph behind you waiting to get by without entering oncoming traffic, you bastards." feature, I'm all for it.

@SJRNWT: Hahaha. Only the best for Apple!

@njso18: Justin Long clearly defined Apple's clientèle dress code. We all try to abide by it very strictly.

@Samuel James Reha: All you need to do is what I did. cut a piece of clear tape to cover the general problem area and trim it to fit just on the antenna with a razor and it fixes the problem while being virtually invisible. it really works. people say to use duct tape but that is very stupid and ugly as anything that

"Effects of the internet as seen in pictures."

Looks like with the money this kid will save by not buying Apple products he can purchase more deep v-neck t-shits with ironic content on them, tight pants and the latest MGMT album.

@TonyTriple: Maybe we should include "Segway mom apologizin'" to keep it current! :P

Happy B-Day to my favorite website! Thanks for all of the hours of enjoyment you've brought to my workdays / leisure time. No one brings it like you bring it, Giz!

@marcthpro: All your grammar are belong to China.