Loren Ipsum


claiming that he met a Welsh woman and a Spanish woman in a nightclub along with two local men

I’m just surprised that didn’t end with “.... and I got mickey’d and robbed”

Looks who works for BA

This is why I promised my wife I’d never snort rails off another woman’s boobs in our wedding vows.

If you are going to get fired, you might as well get fired for this. 

What, so men can’t have hobbies anymore?

You could debate the price, but I went NP. I absolutely LOVE these cars. I also think that even though the V12 is the one you WANT, the 4.2 is the one to get, unless unlimited funds are in your arsenal, then go V12.

At 33, she’s old for a P-plater.

I was wondering if this had one of those “dial a gear” things. Because I think these things are trouble since so many people have a muscle memory on what gear they are in. With the dial a gear things I’ve had as rentals, there is this feeling of “what gear am I in?”

Would be much  more interested in a list of great albums by terrible musicians. 

Smoking and thinking are often at odds. I was an asthmatic child and both parents smoked 2 packs a day and did not care I was in the hospital 6/year for my asthma and once I moved out no asthma problems. Smokers do not care. 

To clarify, I meant how long it took hair metal to go from everywhere (even if getting long in the tooth) to deader than Julius Caesar. I.e. Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden and AIC quickly laying bare how ridiculous and phony the whole thing was.

Woah - that list suggests there’s a good Spin Doctors album.

I agree on The Final Cut. There are some moments of real beauty and fury on that thing. I’m also puzzled by the inclusion of One Hot Minute. Isn’t that one of the RHCP’s biggest records?

‘The Final Cut 2: Edward VIII Was Right'

Wonder if he thinks Britain goaded Germany into WWII.

Musicians are sad and play guitar and appeal to a male-oriented audience. Non-musicians are everyone else.

Hard to believe the guy who fucking wrote 'The Final Cut' now says Ukraine antagonized Russia.

What I don’t get is why they didn’t save themselves a slot and combine Metallica and Lou Reed: