Loren Ipsum

We don’t import Russian oil. 

You’re either being purposely obtuse or you really need to learn a lot more about guns.

You’re dealing with the government and a union job. They can’t just fire people unless they fail to follow a critical protocol such as not turning on a body cam. This is the fastest route for firing people. While unions can be good, unions have made it very challenging for police to get rid of bad cops.

I know we’re a shit show but it doesn’t mean the E.U. has its shit all together. You had that little Brexit thing paving a pathway for other members to leave and Great Britain has Scotland wanting out of Great Britain. And Poland is becoming a Catholic version of Alabama, just minus the prolific firearms.

Let’s bring shields to our non violent protest.

They were afraid of being smashed into a pulp or having their eyes gouged out and their elbows broken and their kneecaps split and their bodies burned away and their limbs all hacked and mangled and their heads smashed in and their hearts cut out and their livers removed and their bowels unplugged and....

Or from the Final Solution. Just minus the gas fed into the cargo area.

Transporting people like cattle is traditional for fascists.

Tip: don’t wear light colored pants if you’re gonna piss them. 

I have mixed feelings about Philly, but yeah, don’t f with Philly. It makes sense that these would be idiot cosplay Texas bros. The Pennsyltucky white supremacists (and there are *a lot*) at least know better than to try to pull this crap in Philadelphia.

We’ve all heard people on the extreme right wing refer to the “coastal elite” like everyone on the coasts are weaklings ready to be rolled over, but anyone who has spent time in those cities knows it takes a special kind of grit to make it in those towns.

this article is one of the reasons i love jalopnik, head out to TTAC if you want to fraternize with your white-is-right friends.

Lol it’s almost like the more liberal you are, the less deplorable.

The sentence could have been constructed a bit better.

It’s funny how you never see liberals begging "Can we please just keep politics out of xyz?!" It's almost like we're not embarrassed and ashamed of our views.

Maybe it has something to do with the license plates ...

Britney Howard’s voice is like a tuning fork for my soul.  Every time she opens her mouth I get chills (the good kind). 

Grohl’s drumming is pretty simple (so basic, I guess), but the thing I’ve always enjoyed about it is that he beats his drums like they owe him money, which works really well for the type of rock he plays.

GM is not, and has not been for decades, run by visionaries. When accountants and MBAs rule your company you get the never ending stream of crap they have been producing. Innovation has no champion. Anything of interest, if it isn’t strangled at birth like the skateboard, gets beaten down and run out of town

I just wanted to drop a letter to the Jalopnik and other G/O writers. The comments section is having some issues. I’m unable to get to any replies that are in pending status, makes it impossible to reply back or star their reply.