Lorem ipsum

Yes, I'm a mixed-race Creole woman and got more sexual harassment than I've ever gotten in my life in central/eastern Europe (Russia, Ukraine, Hungary, Czech Republic). Men followed me, tried to grope me and made animal noises, and when I didn't respond they hurled slurs calling me a gypsy and a prostitute. They

"Not many excuses for having 6 kids if you can't handle them. I'm not one to judge.."

There is a wide age difference between the kids, with the oldest being 14 and the youngest being one she is still pregnant with, AND the oldest didn't immediately call the dad when faced with abandonment. I'd imagine if they all had the same dad, the father would still be present pretty often - as in, often enough to

When you put it like that, she should get probation volunteering in a middle school. There is no worse age.

I wonder where their father is.

Sent to jail for abandoning her kids? That's rewarding candy theft with ice cream.

I know kids who put ketchup in Mac and cheese! X( They buy huge 3-packs of bottles at Costco. When you can't ingest even the kid-friendliest of foods without it, that's like moving into obsession territory.

Wow, I want that now.

:( I'm sorry to hear that it took you so long to appreciate your looks. I'm sure you're beautiful!

Mark, can you confirm that this cat is, in fact, alive? Did you see her breathing? Because the way her face is planted in that bed makes me think we may have a "Weekend at Bernie's" situation, here.

Blech, KETCHUP. I deliberately try to limit my kids' use of ketchup in the hopes they won't be the kind of monsters who can only ingest ketchup-flavored food. As a kid I had a friend who would eat ketchup sandwiches that consisted of ketchup on Wonder Bread, and nearly 30 years later, I can't remember that without

I'm half redneck, TYVM, and I didn't grow up with macaroni and cheese, but when I asked my students what they are having for Thanksgiving, a lot of them said their mom does homemade macaroni and cheese. Most of my students are black, and their moms and grandmas sound like they make a lot of good food!

This is kind of what I was thinking. If this lady thinks POTUS and FLOTUS are bad role models, how fucked is the average black kid in her eyes?

I always have a chuckle at people who passive aggressively take to social media to tell others they need to have more class.

Shelters and food banks don't accept leftover food!

I have a quasi-similar ethnic background, and I kiiiiinda got the Sami looks. As in I'm little and stocky with black hair and ONE HOODED EYE. Seriously, just my right eye. My left eye is anime character round.

I have a huge list of things I like to masturbate before partaking in, including but not limited to: job interviews, flights, big presentations, exams, first dates, holiday parties, and any long car ride. But I also like to masturbate for any old reason, like "I am nude and my vagina is there and I have 10 minutes to

Oh honey, I used to have cystic acne too... the only thing that got rid of it was accutaine. Healthy, right?

Well, if like me, you've watched this video 15 times since you first saw it at 6am, then he basically has.