Lorem ipsum

I support his right to refer to himself however he choses. I support that right for everyone.

That's what I figured. Ru is no spring chicken and he is a homosexual black man. I can kinda understand why he is brushing it off, I'm sure being called a tranny was one of the more polite things he has been called.

I am sorry, but you disrespect a man who made it possible for the Carmen Carreras to have not only an easier path in life but a career as a successful model and celebrity. I am sure you will argue me down and I don't claim to own by way of experience your path, but don't discount why that man endured and others like

Oh come on, don't make me defend RuPaul here...

Yeah, as a FAMOUS gay man who dresses like a woman for a living (and who is black, btw) - he has NO worries about someone beating him or killing him, while shouting that word and for who he is. He could not possibly understand what is like to be different. Btw- I'm being sarcastic.

Oh wow 20 year old guys smoking weed....WELCOME TO MY DORM ROOM

Now playing

I wanted to challenge you on this so I looked up grass (yeah, LOL "grass") growing, which is pretty boring and found this. But even this guy explaining how to make grass grow is way, way, way more interesting than watching One Direction getting high.

That is LITERALLY the most boring video I have ever watched.

It would be easy to look good if you were the pope. Just show basic decency and you'll be the Best Pope Ever

"Mental illness" is an excuse used when privileged White males commit crimes against less privileged people.

They aren't mutually exclusive, but one doesn't excuse the other.

MRA's and PUA's, the new domestic terrorists.

I know it's heartless, but ... good.
Honestly, I feel bad for all these dogs that are clearly misused or untrained or abused, but regardless of what got them to the point of vicious, once vicious they need to be put down.

It's just a random pejorative at that point. They're just aiming to be hurtful because they've had to quickly construct a narrative that doesn't require any self assessment on their part, or impact their self image.

Isha, while I appreciate the focus brought on this hashtag, I think you're extremely wrong to characterize "everyday misogyny" as somehow distinct from the misogyny which fueled Rodger's machinations and eventually his killing spree.

Imagine a campaign to get cars to look twice for motorcycles before changing lanes. What if a car driver got upset by that and said "NOT ALL CARS HIT MOTORCYCLES!!!1!" Like, duh, but it's still an important message, and your reaction makes absolutely no sense.

Hahaha thorax! That's the best alternative! I like the direct approach. Like when I'm PMSing, I tell my boyfriend that my vagina (sounds better than "reproductive system" wants chocolate, or my vagina is trying to kill me, etc. My vagina is very bossy.

You know what works well? Tell them you have a gluten-intolerance or a GI issue. Once it's a medical issue, you rarely get more than a couple follow-up questions or "oh hey, my sister has that, she can only eat such and such wheat products" Socially, I've found that it's way easier than trying to explain why you

See also Tina Fey. Both her Liz Lemon character and TF when she does talkshow interviews and such. Much is made how she just loooooves to eat, and specifically to eat junky stuff like hot dogs and chips and pizza, chocolate, cupcakes, donuts, on and on it goes. I know, I know, "maybe she just has a fast metabolism!".

Everyone used to take it personally that I was a vegetarian and wouldn't eat meat they offered me. By now, people are used to vegetarians, but they take it SO personally when I turn down their pizza or cake. Dude, I just don't like pizza and cake! (Except cheesecake.) It's not like you lovingly made the pizza from