Lorem ipsum

A girl I used to work with was homeschooled — she was one of like a dozen kids, so I think in addition to their religion (Mennonite, I think) it was just more economical to teach the kids at home. She got her GED at 16 and is in a nursing program now, and is one of the sweetest people I’ve had the pleasure to know.

I met a woman yesterday who is a polio survivor. She’s disabled and needs crutches to move anywhere on her legs. And she’s one of the lucky ones — her limbs are damaged, but her mind and internal organs are mostly operational. People who choose to not vaccinate their kids must be pretty sheltered or they’re completely

She can’t be fired, but wouldn’t most sane people look for another job when it came down to going to the Supreme Court over it? If she loses her appeal, then what? Is that what it takes for her to suck it up and go work somewhere else? I know certain Christians are big fans of feeling persecuted, but once this ride is

Thanks for the unsolicited advice!

That’s interesting, in a kind of depressing way. The top lunch looks pretty nutritious, the bento lunches posted on this thread look fine but not as packed with fiber and the good stuff as the cute little sticky rice pigs and sheep. Still, either is better than most school lunches in our country at least at the

They do! They’re great to keep around if you’re getting ready for a nasty storm or blizzard and the power might go out since they’re good cold and keep pretty well. And if you don’t lose power, you can microwave them and make convincing little pizzas.

I feel like most of the photos that make it to pinterest and stuff of real kawaii bento boxes are made by younger adults either solely for the purpose of the photo, or for a tutorial. Not that no Japanese women do this for their kids, but it’s kinda like the food in commercials — too perfect looking to be trusted.

People that nasty are only concerned about TOXINS!!!!! because they’re so full of poison themselves. Seriously, calling parents ghetto and white trash for ~*le gasp*~ feeding their children? Sending an 8 year old to school with a liter of Mountain Dew might be an issue, but Lunchables are fine. Hell, I’d be lying if I

These parents must not have jobs. Except parenting! Because parenting is a full time job!!!!!! (not putting down SAHPs, just the ones who get into competitions over who loves their child the most by taking photos of lunchboxes)

If you’ve A.) been warned that service is running slow that night and B.) your food still arrives hot at your table exactly how you ordered it, you tip at least 20%. Doing otherwise is chintzy as fuck; go to Burger King if you want fast food on a weekend.

This is nothing like the fear mongering that actually does damage to students, though. Freshmen should know which fraternities and sororities do this kind of thing, and if they’re uncomfortable with it, they can avoid them. It’s pretty simple, I didn’t see Anna doing very much fear mongering compared to how most Jez

The use of the world trolling in regards to a non internet situation.....how long has it been since you’ve gone outside?

You guys know what the solution to this is? Join Dads Against Daughters Dating even once they’re in college! Because nothing will teach your girls sexual agency by not giving them any in the first place under the guise of a joke! Don’t get so offended, these signs are just JOKES! Jokes about women because it’s just a

Unless the state of Ohio is prepared to pony up the extra cost of raising a special needs child, which they surely are not, I don’t understand how strangers think they have a stake in such a personal decision. Then again, welcome to the pro-birth movement, where bodily autonomy does not exist except as a concept to

Another question worth asking IMO is why Seventeen is promoting caffienated, sugar-packed drinks to teenagers? I know “because marketing” but still. Our country’s obsession with frappucinos and syrupy coffee drinks is INSANE.

You’re right, but I’m really reluctant to use the phrase “female privilege”. Then again, I don’t know what a better phrase would be that doesn’t carry some serious connotations. She got away with a slap on the wrist, but it wasn’t because she’s in a position of power, it’s more the opposite — because she’s a woman,

it’s monumentally fucked up how we deal with teacher-student relations almost all over the world. unless there’s concrete proof or it’s an especially sensational case, administrations will do everything they can to turn their heads if it’s considered “consensual rape” — i.e., they’re not scared that the student is

That was the big question I came away with — how on earth is this just a normal thing in their household? Is the idea of a MILF just that pervasive, or is there something more sinister going on at home with her kids? I don’t want to think about it but I can’t help it after reading this.

True in the cases of poor communicators. Most people are poor communicators.

Because spas are totally comparable to elite military service.