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    As someone who teaches high school kids, I can tell you that by doing an informal poll, less than 10% of the students I teach have any interest in baseball. Most cannot name a single player from our local MLB team and when I asked how many had actually attended an MLB baseball game in their life, only FIVE students

    I’m sure this is all just a misunderstanding.

    I don’t know anyone who would play professional football for nothing. I know I wouldn’t. I would love to play, but not for free. I got bills to pay.

    Third place team, 8 games back in their division, getting THAT excited about being 1 game back in the Wild Card chase with a month and half of baseball left. Weird.

    Kaepernick created a conversation and then undermined it by taking a paycheck from Nike. In my mind there is very little difference.

    Any comparison to slavery with the NFL is a disgrace an insult to anyone who was ever enslaved. Get out of here with that. Go read some slave narratives and then honestly try to compare that to the life of an NFL player. Just their salary compensation alone makes any notion that a player is in any way, shape, or form

    These days, everyone hits dingers and strikes out a lot. He’ll fit right in.


    I still don’t understand why people like these fights so much. Everyone raves about the choreography, but they LOOK choreographed. They don’t feel like fights. There are so many moments where they make moves that you would never actually make in a fight and you can see where they will speed up or slow down to catch up

    Yes, I was originally lukewarm on The Phantom Menace and figured “Hey, it’s the first chapter, it does a good job introducing the characters and the story even though it’s kind of dull.” But Episode II and III were so bad that it nullified anything good that The Phantom Menace had set up.

    Not really. The problem with it is it LOOKS choreographed. You can even see in some points of the fight that Ray Park slows his moves to let McGregor catch up. The fight with Obi-Wan and Vader in “Star Wars” has two advantages; 1) The characters and what is happening between them emotionally actually has some meaning

    It wasn’t the movie that ruined your lives; it was 18 years of complaining about it that ruined your lives. Now everyone is ruining their lives complaining about “SJW-DISNEY STAR WARS RUINED LUKE SKYWALKER.”

    And look at some of the video of the shooting in Dayton. Look how long it takes people to realize what is going and and react. The first thing everyone does is look in the direction of the noise and even after some people take off running, some don’t. There’s even a guy who walks away slowly while looking over his

    I’ve always been a pro-2A guy and firmly believe that even if you ban these guns that can hold large magazines, that the violence will continue. However, I have had enough of these shootings and I think that it’s time to do something about these guns. Hatred is the big problem and these a-holes are going to keep

    No, he said the best player of all-time. Not the second best.

    I’ve been a Lions fan for almost 40 years. I am resigned to the fact that they will never win a Super Bowl and I have come to terms with it. But I am so tired of people acting like Matt Stafford has hit his ceiling and never reached his full potential. I am actually astonished at how great he really is after playing

    I met Captain Kangaroo on the street in NYC when I was seven years old. He was friendly, said hello, wished me well. Seemed like a nice guy.

    I just watched this a month ago for the first time in about 20 years and it does NOT hold up at all. Nicholson is good, but the rest is a complete mess.

    How are you supposed to tackle someone without making contact with your helmet?

    Correct. I meant Silly Symphonies. LOL