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    I loved The Last Jedi and I understand if other people didn’t, but I don’t understand the concept of boycotting the next film to try to convince the filmmakers to make the movies the way you want them made. I didn’t like Rogue One AT ALL and was disappointed, but I didn’t shun further Star Wars until my expectations

    It’s really good. It surprised me how much I liked it and I’ve met other people who felt the same way. 

    Hmm. I’m hoping they will eventually add all the “Vault Disney” stuff like the Donald, Mickey, Goofy cartoons, Merrie Melodies, all the old live action films like 20,000 Leagues, Swiss Family Robinson, etc. Out of the gate the lineup is not too impressive, but hope for the best in the future.

    The strikezone is the area descibed as the “mid-point between the shoulders and the top of the pants” down to the hollow below the knee...when you are in your stance. The graphic on screen isn’t even lined up properly based on the rulebook.

    And in the end, the guy who came out looking the best in the whole situation is the guy who started the whole thing.

    We had Billy Sims for nearly 5 seasons and I thought, “We will never see anyone better than that.”

    Actually, it’s three. He included border security as part of the military.

    If that had been the ending it would have just been viewed as an “Annie Hall” rip-off. 

    He’s not ranting. He’s trolling. And it works, because every day there are dozens of stories about his “unhinged tweeting.” He’s not really smart, but there is one thing he is the king of; getting under people’s skin and making them go crazy. He thrives on it.

    I was more worried about the health of the bulls. 

    I am a high school teacher and I can tell you what the problem with baseball is. Kids think it is boring. They don’t care about whether there are more home runs than bunts, they don’t care about whether players have enough personality. You can put “lit” walk up music in, promote the game by hiring Migos to do

    He was blocking the plate long before the throw even came in. He did not need to block the plate to field the throw. It bounced in front of him up near the home plate circle. He could have easily move forward to field the throw then turned to swipe tag the runner.

    I’m a white guy who grew up on Disney films, but I haven’t seen any of their live action remakes. However, I am going to go see The Little Mermaid to support this girl and to thumb my nose at all these racists pretending that they are really concerned that the integrity of the storytelling is at stake. 

    We get it. You’re woke.

    Yes, unfortunately our unserious nature knows no race, color, creed or party. It’s universal.

    Yep. Chik-Fil-A is nothing but a front for Anti-Gay Satanists. They only sell the greatest Chicken Sandwich in fast food so they can throw billions at shutting down “the gays.”

    You’re lying. McDonald’s is trash across the board. Chik-Fil-A sandwiches are the best thing in fast food. I used to gush about Wendy’s spicy chicken (which is amazing) being the best fast food sandwich ever. Then I had Chik-Fil-A. It’s blows Wendy’s away.

    This is false. My brother, a raging liberal who lives in New York City, recently told me that one of his gay co-workers (another raging liberal) said, when Chik-fil-A opened in NYC, “I don’t care about their stance on gay marriage. Those sandwiches are amazing.

    Rachel was actually the least creepy part of that video.

    No, all founding fathers are not bad. They were human beings with good traits and flaws. Hamilton just happens to be more flawed than fans of the musical will ever know, because they haven’t actually read about what terrible guy he was. He was an elitist and cared not for the common man, even though the play tries to