
It’s not just tasteless. That word makes millions of people feel unsafe. He’s perpetuating the false idea that there are ways, as a white person, to acceptably use the word. Now other jackass white people who think they aren’t racist are validated by this smug jackass on TV. It’s not just a small stupid mistake.

Maher didn’t radically misjudge the mood. He doesn’t give one damn about “the mood.” He’s simply racist. And sexist. And a narcissist. If people laugh, he’s affirmed. If they don’t, they just don’t get it or are too shackled by “political correctness” to be “with it”. But he’s never been with it. He’s an old troll in

I’d say the latter. He’s always been the worst type of “progressive” white male — dripping with privilege he denies the existence of, vaguely contemptuous of anyone who espouses “identity politics” (i.e., cares about anything that doesn’t directly benefit white men), and casually (and sometimes not so casually) sexist

Honestly? I don’t get this position given the man we’re talking about. Why would an apology make this better when anyone who has watched his show should know that he won’t actually mean said apology? The guy hassled his audience for booing at his “joke.” Why would you even want an apology from someone like that?

How are there so many members of government who don’t know what freedom of speech means? It protects you from the government. No one else.

One more thing- I’ve actually seen comments defending Maher saying, “Hey, he likes black women, he can’t possibly be racist!”

I fucking loathe this smug jackass. I bet he’ll get a pass on this, while people were calling for the end of Kathy Griffin’s career the other day. We see one photo about one shitty person from someone who will never act on that bullshit vs. Maher throwing out a slur that hurts millions of Americans and will be copied-

If this man disappeared from television forever, no one’s life (save his) would be the lesser for it. If HBO wants to have this sort of show with this sort of format, there are literally millions of witty, politically-aware Americans of all ages, races, genders, and creeds who could host. Why him? Why still? Old white

If you’re a white person, and you’re not a professor of linguistics giving a seminar on the history of racial epithets to postgrads, stop it. Stop it now. Whatever the situation, even in “irony” [and from your perspective without malice], you’ve radically misjudged the mood. Stop it.

This is a hugely important point. This piece is alongside a giant blue chicken and the Cherryspoon Bridge. They construct a mini-golf course in the Sculpture Garden in the summer. Context!

One thing I feel like is missing from these comments and the article. Is that the sculpture was pushed as “part playground.” Can you imagine installing a replica of a Nazi crematorium in the same way and not consulting any Jewish groups?

Remember when Donald was going to make us respected by the whole world? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

C’est un homme who doesn’t have le temps for your merde, Donald.

I can see it now, Merkel will go up to Trump and extend her hand to grab him by the balls, ‘cause when you are famous, you can do that’

Too bad domestic violence doesn’t get politicians headlines the way that !!ISLAMIC EXTREMISM!! does. Nevermind that three women are killed a day by husbands or intimate partners.

Plus, she speaks six languages

I feel like I could make that out of a lab coat, a hot glue gun and some art supplies. $51k!

Seems a bit of a double-standard then to expect the men to bring the wives. Should be they all go or none really.

Seems odd, doesn’t it? Or maybe the idea of First Spouse has past its expiration date.

She spent 51k on this coat recently: